Behdron had never seen quite so much food and drink before. The celebratory cheers, singing, and chattering certainly set the stage for a night to be remembered. With a table full of his favorite meats, a variety of cheeses, and of course a grand amount of alcohol, there was little to be wanted. Between the revelry and feast, there was also little time to think about the realities of the quest. Amazing and impressive descriptions of a dragon! A beast that hoards enough gold to make generations of clan proud. Dangerous? Difficult? Those must all just be stories. Exaggerations. How many Dwarves have seen a dragon anyhow? How big could they possibly be? The cave lizards aren’t very big, that’s for sure! Speaking of feasts and merriment, as Beorthic approached the table, Behdorn may have been on his second… or third glass. Or maybe it was his fourth? What was the content of these again? The buzz was certainly getting to him by now. Behdron felt that perhaps reaching for some more meat might be the best option… or was that the cheese in front of him? With the arrival of more pints of alcohol Behdron began to sip [i]very[/i] slowly on his glass while grabbing a variety of the foods around him. News of the Orebreaker’s boasting left a sour taste in his mouth, and he slammed his glass on the table. “Stomp us?! Those wee lads could barely match the size of our fists!” He exclaimed. He stood up from his seat, twirling around to face the Orebreaker’s table with a small tumble to his steps. “Why you lot [i]hic[/i] are on! Let’s do this.” With that, Behdron pulled up his sleeve and teetered over to the table.