[h3]Lissa[/h3] [b]“Just a helping hand passing by,” [/b]replied Lissa, returning her smile with her own. [b]“You were out for most of it, but Nylah and I got you back to the village.”[/b] There was also the whole fighting off the giant chameleon thing, but she really didn’t need to know about a superfluous detail like that. She slipped into a nearby pew, giving her some space to rest and to allow Calra to fuss over her patient while she gave more details on her ill-fated trip. [b]“Forgive me, but given I’m not from around here, I’m not too familiar with the Kyrsa and Yaga, though I’ve heard of them in passing.”[/b] She frowned as the girl descended into a coughing fit, but it did sound like they were in a dire situation. She couldn’t help but to grimace further when she elaborated that she set out to the village with an entire party. [b]“Did she say why they were being unreasonable? I’m of a mind to at least scout the situation myself. I can’t in good conscious sit still to let them be sieged out until starvation, and the village needs the caravan, too.”[/b]