Chaos. Rather inevitable, but a little bit better than having the rock be the one to trigger it. The announcer was desperately ushering evacuees towards designated fire exits. Tables were being knocked over in the rush, some students were flying and jumping to get away. Still, the announcer didn't miss the chance to comment on the 2nd biggest safety hazard in this room at the moment. "You did NOT just fire that thing in this fucking establishment! Do you know how lucky you were that there were no kids back there?!" The monster that stood in the middle of it all was watching the stump of what used to be its hand with an incomprehensible expression. It was on the ground as well on account of several high caliber rounds having pierced through its legs, but as it got up it seemed evident that though it had indeed been damaged, more muscle mass was swelling up to close the wounds. Slowly, it blinked, and then looked towards the source of the shooting. Now this was a more recognizable expression; Anger. You could see the thing's muscles tense up all across its body. Veins bulging even further. Its legs were salvageable and the stump of its hand had even managed to staunch its own bleeding. But it seemed that hand would not be growing back. It put its other hand on its thigh as it stomped the ground. As it crouched, bone pierced the skin where it was fractured, but muscle still held it all together. It built up power, and then it [i]leapt[/i]. "Oh no you don't!" The announcer shouted. He slammed his fist down on his announcer's table, and several thick walls of glass descended from the ceiling. Quick as a flash, ready for contingencies such as this it seemed. It didn't stop the giant completely, but the glass completely throttled its trajectory. It fell well short of its intended target/s, not only that but it fell relatively prone on the ground there. But it would be rising soon. [@Spin the Wheel] [@Crowvette] [@Scarifar] [@KillamriX88] [@Letter Bee] [@Dezuel]