[center][h1][color=#B5A642][b]Dragan Meszaros[/b][/color][/h1][/center] The blood went some way towards restoring a measure of Dragan's strength, but he was still far from what he judged to be an acceptable level of competence. Of course, he supposed this was still preferable to suffering true death, but his current weakness rankled nonetheless. As they reached the bridge, Dragan found himself tempted by the large skeleton on the side of the road. Oh, how those bones would make for a magnificent minion. But alas, he already knew that he lacked the power to raise such a skeleton for now. Even with the mosquito blood restoring a measure of his power, it would still leave him to drained to fight properly should he somehow manage to reanimate it. So for now, Dragan turned away from the bones, frowning beneath his helmet. Said frown only grew as he beheld the obstacle in their way, as well as Ilena's proposed method for circumventing it. While he supposed he could simply descend the bridge from the stairs and go along the bottom before climbing up with blood magic-granted agility, that was also a waste of time when their mission was to arrive at the Cathedral as soon as they could. So with great reluctance, Dragan nodded his assent to Ilena. [color=#B5A642][b]"In my current state, I suppose I've no choice but to accept. You've my apologies for inconveniencing you so."[/b][/color]