Also known as "I suck at names" and I'm considering if there's any interest first before committing to that torture (and going back to doing Integrated Strategies). One of four basic premises, although all share one thing in common: this is [i]not[/i] canon, so some things that would otherwise be fixed (like the state of Victoria, or what Reunion's done) are all subject to change as convenient for me/player backgrounds: 1) PMC. Everyone likes being mercs, right? 2) Catastrophe Messengers/Contingency Contract (not all that different to the above, necessarily, but a far more humanitarian bent to it) 3) An AU Rhodes Island squad, very much of the "we lost contact with people, you go and fix it" type. i.e., "what if they would just commit a small group of elite operators to something rather than one elite op + a squad". 4) Some nominally civilian company that's [i]supposed[/i] to be doing something harmless, but keeps getting pulled into violence. Kind of like Penguin Logistics, but without the unkillable rapper penguin. Or, as should be obvious, four variations on "go places, shit happens".