[@Gardevoiran] [center][h1][color=cyan]Kanbaru Otoko[/color] [/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] In spite of her helpful warnings it seemed some were more staggered by their transition then others. Thomas had hardly gotten a sense of his bearing before running off looking for Riku, or so his shouting seemed to tell Kanbaru. The whale pinched her nose and sighed, not needing eyes to know the staff would be following him like chum to sharks. [color=cyan]"It's bad enough Marianne rides him like a sock puppet, but that boy is going to get eaten alive in here. Guess I gotta go-"[/color] Everything screeched to a halt when the now alone whale found Akiko joining her, and for all that the feline's presence was disturbed before, she had gone completely around the bend now. At a glance her sense's relaxed, the presence of another Jester amusing her parasite, but that feeling of comfort made Kanbaru's skin crawl. [color=cyan]"Wow. I knew you were power hungry, but I thought that little urge to dominate others would have made you averse to joining my team."[/color] Kanbaru stiffened, forgetting Thomas entirely as she felt the particular gaze of Akiko settle on her. and the whale snarled viciously. An image overlapped with her own, [url=http://i.imgur.com/kAPTPqF.jpg]another time, another place[/url]. Data of a different sort that came together in a digital avatar. It was the first Kanbaru to touch the JSTR and link all others. It's eyes met Akiko's and her hands blurred, raising a handgun more suited to hunting elephants then cats. The connection snapped like a rubber band pulled too tight, severed by what was, is, and will be again. [color=cyan]"Keep those eyes to yourself, Akiko. I've just gotten my hands on a wolf and unlike me, she doesn't mind mauling cats."[/color]