[CENTER][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/520041678032207887/953483156286242846/6e8f2abf9a9e01374fb66fa0764c58d6.png[/img][/CENTER][hr] [color=f7941d]"What made you want to become a knight, if you don't mind me asking?"[/color] Nathaniel listened intently to Zenshin as he spoke, taking the opportunity to get a few large bites of his food in. He was unsurprised that the old legends were a motivation: besides fame, aspiring to the ancient legacy was perhaps the second most discussed motivation for joining the ancient order. In a way, perhaps it was one of Nathaniel's own motivations... but that would discount what truly drove the Vice Captain. The meat of Zenshin's reason for joining, however, perplexed him. Failing to live up to a familial legacy was a great nightmare was Nathaniel's nightmare. Of course, Nathaniel kept his composure and nodded along diligently. Zenshin's reason was inconsequential when it came to becoming a knight. The determination was more admirable. The Vice Captain was almost giddy hearing Zenshin hadn't picked up a sword before: it was certainly better than having been trained by a poor teacher. No bad habits had to be drilled: Zenshin was more of a blank slate when it came to martial capabilities. Of course, equally interesting to Nathaniel was the magical prowess, especially when self-taught. Nathaniel understood that aspect well: there were few who could teach him how to hone his gift from their own experience. And due to the circumstances at be, the only one who could teach such a skill was far too above Nathaniel's own station for that to be possible. Of course, dwelling on Zenshin's words almost caused Nathaniel to miss the question thrown at him. The Vice Captain finished chewing his last bite of food before giving a small smile. [COLOR=Ed1c24]"I... I don't think choosing anything else was ever an option. I was taught from a young age how important the knights were, and that one day I would be one as well. And that it would be irresponsible for an aura user to turn from the knighthood."[/color] As soon as the words left his lips, it almost felt as though a sour taste had been left on his tongue. His words were factually accurate, and a proper reflection of the things his father and his family had told him. But there was something about the way the words flowed that suddenly seemed... strange. But Nathaniel simply widened his smile to hide that feeling. His eyes glanced over his comrades, listening in briefly to the various conversations across the table. Everyone had a reason to be here at this table, but having a reason wasn't going to be enough to become a knight. [@pkken]