[b][/b][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lOIXzzk.jpg[/img][/center] [@Psyker Landshark] Upon inspecting the body Vyandar would not only notice that, yes, wild beasts killed the man but also... he was killed in quite the gruesome way. The bite marks were more akin to tearing, and the body was partly dissolved from something acidic - half eaten. Good thing then, indeed, that the Dragonborn knew of clerical magic. The magic entered the corpse, and slowly the parts of it was were missing started to grow back, so to speak, as a temporary green necromantic mist took the form of the missing limbs and half of it's head. The body's eyes also began glowing and the corpse began groaning as if it was in great pain. [color=39b54a][b]"Aggh...Out of nowhere...six legs...giant...bugs..."[/b][/color] was it's first answer. [color=39b54a][b]"...Secret...mission...observe..."[/b][/color] was the second one. [b][color=39b54a]"Avoided...patrol...hided...here...to lay...low..."[/color][/b] was the third question, the last one asked by Vyandar. If he was attentive, the Cleric would also notice the body of the man had an insignia on his uniform - a staples of Nuniel's new reformed military. It could give more information if brought to someone who knew more of Nuniel from the inside... For now, two questions remained if Vyandar so wished it. [@Rune_Alchemist][@TheWendil] The diversion worked. At least, as far as Liora intended. The guards were indeed perplexed and surprised to be approached this openly by a seemingly young girl. They looked at each others, but did not move from their post. Still, their eyes were fixed on Liora. [b]"Well...what do you want, girl."[/b] said one guard while the second quickly added [b]"You cannot access the library without the necessary letter of recommendation from the Marshal."[/b] The second one seemed a lot more strict than the first, who seemed like he would be more suited to Liora's charm than his older, stuck up companion. Behind the guards, Liora could see Rean doing her things. As for Rean, her little plan worked. The Temple district was it's fair share of people walking about but Rean found herself in a small alleyway between the building and the Library's outer wall, hidden just enough to be out of immediate eye sight. Liora was doing her part, for now, and the guards eyes were on her. The girl's magic worked and soon, Rean was up to the window. From there, she could probably go into the building, which looked liked a storage one, and see if something led to the roof or she could try and jump across, over the outer wall and land in the library's ground, inside the wall. From there, she would need to sneak in. Of course, she could also attempt another magic trick to scale the Library from here. From her vantage point, the Library's roof was a good 15 to 20 feet up. Going to the Storage building's roof would probably shorten this by half, easily. [@Crimson Paladin][@Click This] Aurelian would find that, upon knocking at the door, it slowly creeker and began swinging open. The house was a simple enough abode; one floor, a fire in the center and beds on the side. From the look of things, this house belonged to a family of three. At first sight, there was no one. Aurelian then asked if anyone was in there, and still no answers. It was about that time when Lutatia descended from the skies and approached the knight, still outside the door frame. It was then and only then that Aurelian would spot it; a small head peering at them from inside the house, hidden behind one of the flipped table. Whoever it was noticed it was seen, and ducked back behind the table before slowly stepping out, careful at first but when it saw two knights, it ran at them. [i]It[/i] was in fact a child, no more than 10 years of age. A young half-elf girl, by the looks of it. [b]"Please! Help! Mommy and Daddy... Find them...Please!"[/b] It seemed they had recognized Lutatia's clothing as Corissian. Or the Pegasus was what made the Girl trust them, as no one from Nuniel had those. Either way, it was apparent from her actions that she trusted the two strangers. The girl quickly approached them, on the verge of tears, barely able to speak.