[img]https://i.imgur.com/GJY9ytS.jpeg[/img] Thomas unfortunately would be left waiting a while as the Tower switched and turned, leaving everyone in a flux once more. The princess had taken up refuge in the casino and found she had actually grown to like the place. Compared to the dreary and battle intensive Abyss where she had yet again been killed this was a lovely change of pace. Having snatched a new [url=https://imgur.com/a/nBpW3uH]costume[/url] from the wardrobes she'd adapt to a new role of a humble casino proprietor. Katie would soon be joined with a short princess standing across the bar from behind, offering her a milkshake instead of the hard drink she was downing. She took pleasure with so quickly appearing once again with no warning. [color=ed145b]"Why the long face, Katie? You can't be miserable in a wonderful place like this. Finally, no more prolonged nonsense about angry wolves and time warping demons! Erika is a real sweetie and gave me a job here! Check out my clothes!"[/color] She'd steal a sip of Katie's drink and then make a disgusted face, sticking out her tongue. [color=ed145b]"Yuck! You drink this stuff!?"[/color] After pausing a moment, she'd think further on the people she hasn't seen. [color=ed145b]"Have you seen Thomas anywhere? He was such a nice boy! Hope he comes back soon!"[/color] --- Kanbaru had a new golden card that had appeared in her shorts pocket during the tower's transition. It felt as though it had always been there but the whale knew better about the ways of the Tower than most. On its visage was the pale form of Nephy, standing proud and giving a fanged smile as if always taunting the whale even if the real Nephy had managed to escape the tower. Probably the best farewell Kanbaru and the others would get from that devious pair.