Tandagh's boots sank deep into the snow with every step he took, the sound of crunching snow escaping from under his feet. As the group started up the mountain Tandagh couldn't help but to think back to his home land and it's mountainous land scape, though the snow did end the similarities between the two. The Orc walked towards the front of the group, partly do to wanting to get to the top of the mountain as fast as possible but mainly for his need to get out of the open before the sun began to beat down on him. He gave a slight look over his shoulder to the rest of the group, though it was rather brief. He honestly didn't know what to think of this little band of travelers, he knew better to judge someone's skills based on their appearance and words, both could be quite deceiving. Tandagh let out a low grunt as what he considered nonsense started. He never enjoyed small talk so it was no surprise that when the topic of reading material was brought up he was less than pleased. He looked over his shoulder to the Argonian and Breton, a stern expression on his face. [I] Pointless. [/I] He thought as he eyed the two. He was about to return his attention forward when he noticed something... off about the Breton. He couldn't be sure but there was something familiar about her pale skin. Tandagh's attention was pulled away from his suspicions when one of the Nords spoke up, introducing himself to the group. The mer had herd of the companions in his travels, he had a vague knowledge of the group of renowned warriors and a slight respect for them, but they were to well known for being boastful for him to ever consider joining the group. Tandagh wanted to brush aside Jorn's words, but they did have some wisdom in them. If he would to be shedding blood with this group they should know his name. So as the Orc brushed past Jorn he said in a low rocky voice. "Tandagh."