[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=silver]Megan Pendragon[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/SR0pmc6n/giphy.gif[/img][hr][b][color=silver]Location:[/color][/b] Atlantica [b][color=silver]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] Megan was hardly surprised to hear that the council members were rather old. It seemed to be one of those occupations where once achieved, you stayed there until death - much like the Supreme Court and other political jobs back home. Megan didn't agree with those things on principle. In theory sure, these council members might have a lot of wisdom and experience - but if anything, she was expecting them to not care much for the lives of others. People that old in positions of power tended to have been long since corrupted, serving their own interests other than those of the people. She raised an eyebrow as Eric then mentioned the council would listen to facts more than anything else - if that was the case, then this ought to be easy. The council members looked pretty much exactly as Megan expected - old men sitting around a table. They asked for them to be introduced, and to know why they were there. Ki- [i]no[/i], her father introduced himself and made a summary of what they were asking for. No one else started to speak, the men at the table whispering about what was to be done. [color=silver]"I... am Megan Mordred,"[/color] she said, settling on that name. [color=silver]"Maleficent will only grow more powerful. Each day of inaction only ushers in her total victory. She may not be in Atlantica now, but she will come for you."[/color]