[hider=Castiria] [center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTpn2r04QSM_9sTrZeW7xJnGIeHtogMyViTRQ&usqp=CAU[/img] [h1]Castiria[/h1][/center] [b]Warring Factions:[/b] Royalists - King Camilo Maldonado Communists - The Workers Council of Seven Fascist - General Rafael Fanta [b]Territory:[/b] [hider=Map][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392154507741495296/999551635552473158/Castiria.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]History:[/b] The region that makes up modern day Castiria has been fought over for thousand of years by various Empires and Kingdoms, each seeking to control the vital strategic location for themselves. In the 10th century, the region was conquered by the Kingdom of Marno, a powerful northern nation-state that subdued the various warring factions within Castiria with alarming ease. Under the the rule of Marnosian Kings, much of Castiria, thrived, and science, architecture, and the decorative arts flourished. The Marnosian influence is still evident in architecture and customs throughout much of the country. By this time, a number of divergent cultures existed throughout the region, with many possessing a strong sense of independence. Castiria was at last unified through the marriage of SofĂ­a Cabanas of Castiria, and Prince Balthazar of Pertochova. The united forces of the free southern Castirian cities and their new allies succeeded in pushing the Marnosians out of the northern half of the Kingdom. Despite this turmoil, Castiria flourished in art and architecture during this period. Further, Castiria embarked on an age of discovery as the voyagers and adventurers opened new trade routes the world over. This Golden Age, still lamented for, gave rise to a powerful and influential Kingdom. Nothing can last forever and, for a time, Castiria began to bicker with Pertochova over colonies and trade routes; she subsequently began to lose influence closer to home. Economic problems surfaced at home and, again, war ensued. The war ended in a bloody stalement and an angry populace demanded reforms. King Camilo Maldonado, the fifth of his name, stepped meekly down, forcing Castiria to become a centralized nation. The government of the First Republic, however, stood on shaky ground as it was faced with rampant political corruption while at the same time anarchism grew among the populace. Castiria largely avoided the Great War solely because she was in no position to get involved in anyway. Now, with the world on the verge of a second war, Castiria has exploded into civil war as the elite demand the return of the King, the people want more, and military leaders see the rest as sheep in need of a strong shepard. Thousands have already died and many more will continue to do so in the days ahead. [b]Pressing Issues: [/b] Castiria is embroiled in a bloody civil war between Royalists, Communists, and Fascists. Infrastructure only recently repaired is suffering once again and the average Castirian sees a bleak future ahead. [b]Economy:[/b] Economic success can be measured by region rather than on a national scale. Industry has been damaged, fields burned, railways bombed, and any number of ports damaged. Only some larger airports and seaports deep behind the frontline remain operational in any effective capacity. Trade is limited to what foot stuffs, valuable resources, etc, can be shipped out. A home grown weapons industry has sprung up, mostly the weaponization of existing civilian equipment, or whatever limited military hardware came with the various military units when they chose sides. [b]Foreign Relations:[/b] Pertochova is an agitator and ally of the fascist factions within Castiria. [/hider]