“It will be done.” The grey-suited representative nodded. He then turned to Freyr, speaking out loud. “I have marked the location of your transportation on the network. We are wheels up in thirty.” “But why such a rush?” Freyr asked quietly, but to no avail - the hologram blinked out of existence. She turned back to the mass of people. News of a miniature vault had struck the science teams like a lightning rod. What had begun as an insistent murmuring had grown in volume until colleagues had to shout to be heard. Some had given up entirely and were just messaging each other via implant, sharing looks with each other. Once again, Freyr knew a meeting she had called to restore peace was now well and truly out of her control. For a moment, a white hot anger bubbled to the surface; her mouth and fists clenched. Then she sighed, and raised her voice to be heard. “Everyone pack up your gear - lets go and find out what is happening together!”