Before Nessie could rise up on her broom, however, she was met with another offer. Her gaze followed Valeria's call, with the boisterous teacher and her equally flashy ride quickly coming into view. Sat next to her was another new tutor working with the class, one whom Nessie hadn't interacted at all with yet really. She seemed nice enough though, and she'd heard bits and pieces of conversations concerning her through hallways and in the dorms, all of which concerned something positive about her character and prowess. It just so happened that the young Scot hadn't been in much of a mood for the whole socialising thing in the last few days, which was the only thing stopping her from giving Stripes a characteristically energetic and and expletive filled greeting and expression of gratitude for all her help way back at the construction site. Though a reacquainting of some kind would surely be in order at some point. Nessie looked up towards the others, now already on their way in their separate teams, already having to work together in order to make the trip possible for those without a means of transport. Suddenly she was starting to realise what she had been missing out on by being so reclusive, and with that cast her eyes back to Valeria and Maria again. [color=f7941d]"Uh, yes. Thank you."[/color] She managed a slight smile and a nod accepting the kind offer, dismounting her broom and letting it dissipate away before she'd carefully get into the back of the car. The last thing she wanted to do was to put a mark on this thing, lest she suffer the wrath of the somewhat volatile German Magical Girl sat in the driver's seat. She'd remain quiet for the rest of the journey, eyes mostly fixed on the views outside of the window while her mind wandered to various places. The mentions of Ozma did catch her attention though, her gaze and hearing flitting occasionally to the conversation the two seasoned Magical Girls were sharing, including some of Maria's more private mutterings. Perhaps even more interesting to the girl in that moment than the mention of a tragedy in Ozma's past, was Maria's description of her: A bright beacon for everyone... As her mind wandered further, those words conjured up visions of that night of the construction site in her mind's eye, the somewhat ethereal but recognisable voice that had encouraged her forward, to progress further as a Magical Girl right from the very off. A bright beacon that had enabled her to hit the ground running, one which had most likely saved her life that night and in other events since. Could it really have been her? But before there was a chance to dwell further, the car came to a sudden halt. They had arrived. As opposed to where her patrol had been before, a place comprised of natural beauty, now she and the rest of her class stood within the confines of a manmade construct. That being said, in its abandoned and dilapidated state it seemed that nature had taken things into her hands with moss, grass, plants, even small trees and pools of water imbued throughout the run-down architecture of the mall. Once bustling with life, and now an incubator for another kind of life. As well as something else. Though Nessie couldn't distinguish it, she could feel a cold, dark tinge to the atmosphere, one that was growing increasingly familiar to even her deepest instincts. Even if her senses weren't as keen as anyone else's there, she wasn't stupid. And as soon as she noticed Ozma putting up the barrier around their location, it became pretty clear to the girl what exactly they were doing there. After all, it wasn't like this was going to be a shopping trip. The mention of an extra 'someone' that the group was searching for, however, stirred up a little nervous anticipation within Nessie. If not a Pageless, who was this person they were potentially going to confront, and why would they have any reason to fight them? And the fact that this 'class trip' seemed to apparently be off the radar of even the Grand Ministry didn't do the girl any less of a concern. Perhaps that's why, while trying to keep an ear open for Ozma's instructions, she found herself drifting back over to Maria. Not only did she seem to know a fair bit about the other redhead of Marrywell, but being a tutor there was no doubt that she probably possessed experience and skill far beyond almost anyone else present. Perhaps she could help with this whole witch's block thing she'd been experiencing. [color=f7941d]"Excuse me, miss. I, ehm... I was wondering if you could help me with a problem I've been having lately with-"[/color] Unfortunately not paying full attention cost Nessie the sight of a swarm of Pageless gathering behind Ozma, ones that seemed to specialise in stealth and appearing from out of nowhere. And so that's what they did, with one in particular almost blindsiding the girl if it weren't for the quick actions of her superior next to her who, in an awesome display of pure physical strength, drove the dark reptile into the ground and to its demise while Nessie stood dumbfounded to the side. [color=f7941d]"Camouflage?!"[/color] Nessie thought out loud, in an instant changing to her Magical Girl attire now that she knew what was at hand. And yet still she felt no more powerful or capable than she did without it on. This at least reminded her of her unfinished question to Maria which, though perhaps it wasn't the greatest time to choose, she endeavoured to finish asking. [color=f7941d]"So basically I'm having some trouble right now with casting my spells and I was just wondering if you knew anything about how to help with it?!"[/color] She continued hurriedly, giving panicked looks all around to try and keep tabs on the Pageless chameleons, which was easier said than done when they constantly blended in with their surroundings. Nessie would take up her wand and attempt to ward the creatures off, but ultimately only displayed her current ineptitude as a pitiable stream of water was all that spluttered and spurted out in defence of the oncoming Pageless. [color=f7941d]"See what I mean?!"[/color] Nessie turned with a desperate look to Maria once more, backing up towards the teacher as the Pageless advanced closer and closer, undeterred, not surprisingly, by the young redhead's spellcasting.