[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/984918160127963206/985917211396931605/image0.jpg[/img] [img] https://see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/A9g7/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjoxMzAsInciOjIwMDAsImZzIjo2NSwiZmdjIjoiI0ZGMDA2OSIsImJnYyI6IiNGRkZGRkYiLCJ0IjoxfQ/R2VuZXJhbCBDYXJyaXM/medieval-sharp-oblique.png[/img] [hr] [indent]The warm morning sun had been sorely missed in many seasons. The clear, lovely sky of a new day never dulled in Caesonia. Another day of sun and calm winds. This, however, would not be so typical a day for the royalty. A woman on horseback made a long and winding journey to this kingdom, weeks had passed since she set out from old Baltyria. Through rain, snow and the turning of the seasons, the castle of Sorian finally stood in the distance out from the rocks and trees. The horse she rode was adorned with dark brown fur and the occasional fleck of beige-white. The saddle was not cheaply made; Cream-tinted leather sewn with red trim and silver metals decorated the beast. He trotted along the main road to the Sorian proper with confidence. The woman who he carried was no less decorated, wearing a militant uniform of red and white. There were medals and badges of honor sewn into the front, rose-tinted metal cuffed the ends of her sleeves and the buttons of her uniform. She wore boots high to her knees made of black leather that looked old, but very well-loved. At her hip rested a scabbard equally adorned; Silver plates with lines of red and stark white, surrounding a worn emblem of a kingdom, or perhaps a house, that one would be hard-pressed to identify. The hilt of the sword was curious, aesthetically speaking. Sharp points of solid metal led to shaped, ornamental roses acting as a guard and pommel. Her hair swayed faintly in the calm breeze, and she eyed the distant buildings with a curious, quizzical expression, like she could discern a dozen truths about the kingdom from the very architecture it consisted of. Her head was raised in confidence, or even familiarity with the kingdom itself. This was not a woman to be doubted. The kingdom drew closer as she patiently nudged her steed along with little more than a single syllable, and soon enough, beyond the gates they were. Her stature, and the air of confidence gave the guards little pause. They took her for the official type of visitor. She inquired at the gates about locations, and found one of the more respectable stables for her companion. Major General Lyra Carris left her distinguished steed to rest after a long journey and continued on foot. The three-inch heels of her boots clacked against the stones of the roads and sidewalks she crossed. The sword at her side and the uniform on her body meant that people were quick to not walk in front of her and clear the path. Though she looked intimidating, her expression showed no signs of hostility. The general was, in every sense of the word, a stranger to this place. Rumors would no doubt spread before long, but they would be only just that. She was hungry. Soon after, she found herself at a breakfast bar. To say she stood out was an understatement. A military general dressed in the colors of a place that were not the colors of [i]this[/i] place, with an equally strange weapon hanging off of her side. She paid for a meal with the typical Caesonian gold currency, leaving a generous tip as she ate her breakfast in peace. Seven frosted pancakes ringed with fresh berries and syrup. It was good, especially after the long trip she has arrived from. While General Carris enjoyed her food, she took in the scenery, listening to the gossip that occasionally passed through the place while intentionally paying little attention to what stares or whispers by be about her presence. She, of course, had her own itinerary to keep to, but for the time being, what harm could come from enjoying the atmosphere? [/indent]