Bethan was a little taken aback by just how much Yekatarina knew, the way she was saying it seeming to come off her tongue like it was deep down inside her...and rolling with it. She was impressed, that she had to admit, it was observation that had kept her alive, and she'd certainly soaked up her fair share of what she could. She agreed with the Russian's comments, a good meal would be useful about now, as would putting a plan together. That and her goal of getting information, Sean stepping forward towards Yekatarina in regards to her comment. "They'll be a vaccum no matter what. Kill the head and the body doesn't go limp straight away, but it won't know where to go. They'll have bigger matters to attend to, like how their main friend of their supplier is gonna be in a a bloody mess. Fuck's sake, this is crazy." Sean replied, Bethan nodding, albeit a little more resolute now, a little more screwed on and aware that they had to get something together. "Aye, true that. A map would be good, I can retrace where we got to in the slums. Finding a way in will be tricky, we'll have to think about it logically. I'm thinking a dawn raid. Minimal visibility, a lot of confusion, and less bodies around, especially in the alleys, it means visibility works for us. The markets around her area will be empty so no doubt we'll know who's a foe pretty fast, no civilians in the way. There were a lot of rooftops, guys with guns on them that we'll have to also take out first. But we take those out, find an entry into the compound, and we'll find her there. She's likely focussing on taking turf here, more than watching her own back. Victor's probably promised her that, so I wouldn't be shocked to find a couple of SAMC mercs in compound." Bethan added, thinking it over a little, though not in any denial she needed food and sleep right now. Even in spite of the anarchy, from parachuting in at dawn to killing people in mid-day and now being captured, it had been a hectic one. Sean in the meanwhile looked to Hayden, a steely look on the Northern Irishman's eyes, a little bit twisted by the environment here but still a little cautious of Hayden's mental state. "Whatever you did must have given you a reputation. Yous' a scary bastard right." Sean gave a wry chuckle, checking his own FAL over, flicking a mag as he looked over to Bethan and the rest of the team, the plan taking shape as they then turned back to Edgar.