As the adrenaline from the clash shimmered down, Samad held the man's arm in a vice grip. Bella quickly began to collect the two escorts and tie them up. She collected the guns before the twins arrived. Considering their earlier reaction to one, she didn't trust them not to play with the weapons. Satisfied with the living prisoners’ containment, her attention turned to the corpse. They could've left it, but ARMO preferred to leave nothing for study. Bella leaned down and hooked her arms through the corpse's. With all her strength, she dragged it farther down the tunnel's end. Shadows swallowed her up as she left a blood trail in her wake. Samad patiently kept the President in his eyesight and nearby. Any sudden movements immediately drew a glare. Meanwhile, Bella began to dispose of the body. She pulled out a vial and struggled slightly to uncork it. When it finally released, she casually poured it over the carcass. A loud hiss echoed in the tunnel when the acid began to rapidly eat away the flesh. Bella leaned against the wall, waiting until nothing remained. She casually replaced the cork on the empty vial and put it back in her pouch.. Samad's voice entered her head. [i]Is the corpse done yet?[/i] [i]Almost. Too bad this stuff doesn't work nearly as fast or well on living tissue.[/i] She answered, her mind bored during the wait. Some more time passed before Bella and Samad heard the others approach. At this point, their mission was over. The President appeared to be a defeated mess and his escorts living proof of their abilities. Soon they would head to their next mission. Bella emerged from the darkness with the scent of burning flesh in her clothes. Her nose crinkled as she spoke. "After this, I need a shower." Angel towered behind Elsa and Samad as they began to wrap up. Reri was still shadowing the twins as they wrecked up the white house, bulldozing through any remnants of resistance. [I]Perhaps we overdid it.[/I] The Reaper thought as he observed the carnage and the traumatized President. [I] I'm sure we will be more prudent next time [/I] Angel made a mental note before placing his palm on Samad and Elsa's head, patting them. Samad immediately shifted, avoiding the childish gesture. [i]No thank you.[/i] Bella just shook her head and smiled, watching her partner’s reaction while the Silver Reaper moved toward their captured quarry. "Mr President, A.M.R.O expects your contribution to the cause, next time we won't be as civil." With that he led the two veteran Asylums away, to speak to them privately. "The Keepers can handle the clean up, we need to depart now. That blade will be up to some mischief and delay will only make things worse." “Wait, what are you talking about? We completed the mission.” Samad tensed as he narrowed his eyes upon the Lost Number. Bella held up a finger, signaling her partner to wait until the Asylum finished. Something told her this was critical. The Reaper had already requested a group of Porters to arrive, by now they should have completed the necessary preparations. "There has been an unexpected uprising in one of the Bloodline regions, A.M.R.O has requested the presence of the others, so it will just be us. Ah what fun we will have!" There was a smirk on his face as he continued to lead them towards the Porters while Reri headed the twins. The Desert Wolf's form tensed at the mention of Bloodlines. Bella's attention zoned in on his reaction and her concern surfaced. She extended a soothing gesture. When her hand rested on his arm, Samad glanced at her. She let a gentle smile linger on her features as she put his worries to rest. [i]Everything will be fine. I'm sure your family is well and untouched, it's likely another one stirring trouble. Let's keep our minds alert and on task. We'll get through this.[/i] Leaving her words on the air, they continued to follow Angel to the outside.