[center][img]https://imgur.com/dHM0MR8.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][i][b]Lyun:[/b][/i] [i]"Those who crave power make questionable choices."[/i] The brute's words are low in both tone and volume. While not a huge shift, his change in posture makes it rather clear how this has him on edge. A lower stance, eyes slowly shifting from Hellion to Hellion, hands ever so slowly approaching his weapons. The band isn't yet a second family for him, and it shows. [i][b]Lyun:[/b][/i] [i]"I live for my people. Those who crave power are not my people. I have no care for sides and I live for my people... Do with that what you will."[/i][/indent][/indent]