Raudd couldn't help but snort as he tried to hold back his laughter at the [b]"Is that all?"[/b] coming from the dragon lady knowing the extent of his sisters stockpiles, she probably had a more extensive stockpile of materials than some organisations. It did however seem to contribute to her softening her stance a bit along with the wolves no longer circling her like some prey animal. Still the fact that she thought so lightly of it, meant it was a rather easy task for her... Not the best thing to let the party on to before the negotiations, though honesty also has it's value and a bit of it from both sides should make establishing a good connection a bit easier. The questions that followed were of a more serious nature, though it also told him she didn't know much about the Stoneworks, asking whether it was wise to relax when the hunt was beginning. Raudd removed his free hand from the chin of the wolf and coaxed the raven from his shield by offering it a perch on his gloved hand instead. [color=#0050ff][b]"Short answer? Yes."[/b][/color] He said as the bird moved it's perch allowing Raudd to retract the shield. He whistled once more and the wolves lazily started to get up and move towards the settlement with Raudd close behind the group. [color=#0050ff][b]"The longer answer would be that they are waiting for me to get my ass beyond those runestones."[/b][/color] He said pointing to the outer ring of runestones. [color=#0050ff][b]"... So I don't have to walk all the way to the eastern side to enter through the gatehouse. Well unless an apex does get close, then I'll just have to go the long way. As for the other areas of the Undercity, I'm sure the message has already been passed along."[/b][/color] He said as he walked towards the ring of runestones he mentioned, making sure not to get too close with the pack of wolves to the lady, no sense in creating a tense situation now. [color=#018c3b][b]"Could you hurry up a bit, or I'm really going to drop the barrier on your face!"[/b][/color] Zolya yelled at Raudd from besides one of the runestones. [color=#0050ff][b]"Well, you heard her."[/b][/color] Raudd said to the dragon lady with a sigh picking up his walking pace a bit to technically comply with her request. As he reached the threshold of the barrier the wolves around Raudd split off and ran to wherever it was they felt compelled to go. Most of them seemingly running through the area between the ring of runestones and the first layer of structures.