[center][img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fe0%2Fa4%2Ff8%2Fe0a4f88d2aa2ce1e0cd2ea2b2121b786.jpg&f=1&nofb=1[/img] [h3]In ancient times, monsters lurked under every bush, in every shadow. They were as real as the screen you're staring at, right now. They were not [i]entirely[/i] immortal, though. Eventually, as time went on, and people lost their fear of the dark, the unknown, the monsters died out. That doesn't mean they went away, however. Their power, their spirits, the fear they represented continued on, and they found ways to keep acting out their goals. Some learned about this, brave souls, unafraid of the darkness, who sought to protect their fellows from these dark creatures. They not only fought off the fiends when they manifested and attacked, but found ways to banish them; [i]contain[/i] them, so they couldn't hurt anyone else! Now, the world is largely free from the reign of terror, even though much of the world has stopped believing in them. Something has happened, however, and a new generation must take up the mantle to protect the world, and recapture the monsters! All that remains is a simple question: Are you afraid of the dark?[/h3][/center] Welcome to the OOC for another silly little re-imagining of another obscure property :P So, little details that should clarified: Yes, it's a modern setting. this isn't meant to be a horror rp so much as an action/adventure with horror themes. what set's this idea of mine apart from the source material? Well, instead of monsters shrunken to a small size, and getting to full size by drawing energy from human screams, rather the physical bodies of monsters ceased to exist, but their power survived. The spirits of these monsters became bound to small objects and trinkets; shiny/novel little things that mortals happily snatch up for themselves. Easier to take the "invitation" than to forcefully take over human bodies. Thus, whoever finds themselves in possession of one of the Artifacts, must struggle for control, changing places with the Monster should one fail(possessor becomes the posessee), or resist it entirely and render it just a trinket, again, trapping the fiend inside. It's possible, and intended, within the setting to take control and use the Monster's power as your own! I'll even make some "starters" available for new players to choose from, like pokemon :P You'll still have to rp getting this, as I have a loose story in mind, but, hopefully we can work together to make a fun and interesting story ^_^ [hider=The Artifacts] Here they are, the starting Artifacts (Powers and form will vary from one subject to another, but can grow more powerful over time, either from human fear or simply from defeating other Monsters. I'm going to take the risk and let players work out their powers, both strengths and weaknesses, in addition to normal character building) The Broach/Vampire- The Bolt/Creature- The Fang/Werewolf- The Ankh/Mummy- [/hider] That being said, here's a character sheet one can submit when applying for the rp (no more than 4 players, so do pay attention to whether or not the rp is listed as open. Be prepared for a lengthy discussion. [hider=Character Sheet] Character Name: Age: Artifact: Personality: Background: Image: (I encourage original artwork, regardless if you think your own work is any good. That being said, I won't be upset if you use other images, not so keen on face claims from real people.)[/hider] lastly, feel free to ask questions here in the OOC.