Even if the information wasn't entirely groundbreaking, it was only natural for someone who prided herself as a knowledgeable scholar to take great interest in the story the Queen had told. Indeed, Fio listened quietly, taking in every single detail that she could. It was hardly a tale that was entirely new, and yet some details caught her attention. The influence of the White Dragon, for instance, being so much more direct then she'd previously heard. However, the core ideas of the tale appeared to be the same as many of the others she had heard previously. "It's difficult to tire of the tales of the King," replied Fio, nodding her head slightly, "So it's fine if you want to share them. I'm willing to listen." She paused for a moment. "Not that there's any special reason, it's just that I'm curious," she quickly asserted. The Sword Witch wasn't soft and willing to act as a confident for any painful emotional struggles. At least, she didn't want to admit to any willingness to do so on her part. Nor did she think she was particularly good at it. "... In any case, there's no ignoring that fight must have been painful," she continued, eyes drifting down towards her lap, "Losing people like that..." Fio's hands clutched slightly at the hem of her skirt. "The only thing someone can do in a situation like that is to carry on the memory of the people who are gone." For a few more moments, she didn't say anything. No, the petite girl's thoughts drifted elsewhere, at least for an instant. "... But, at the same time, I've always felt like stories like that reminded me that the King was a human being," she added, "Not some perfect ruler who never felt anything, who just sought victory for Albion no matter the cost. Even considering how it ended, the King fought for Albion because of his heart, not a lack of it." She paused for a moment. "... I... guess what I'm saying is that, er... that you shouldn't..." Fio trailed off, now far more furiously fiddling with the hem of her skirt. Trying to offer those helpful words, it was way too difficult... [@Rune_Alchemist]