[center]32 and 17[/center] Benea stood facing the ocean calm. It’s black surface was already starting to break into fluttering blue as life spilled into it from the 32nd node. High above her, the dragon named Tagro flew in large loops which in turn pushed a steady wind over the seas. This wind was caught in the billowing sails of the paladin ships — their galleons dotting the horizon. An army was on its way and soon the node would be colonized and ready to be used to strike. [hr] Anak’thas floated above his golden throne. He had taken the the chair more recently as a place to think in solitude. It was center sat in a large hollow room painted to every corner with vast murals. Most depicted the exodus from node 18 and his original faithful, while the rest showcased his victory against Benea at 14. But now he sat with a heavy brow. A messenger stood beside the throne with a meek composition as the god unraveled his words. “So my sister has taken the 32nd node?” “Yes, sire.” “And you’re sure of this?” “Word traveled fast, sire.” “No doubt…” Anak’thas’ great eye peered upwards, already envisioning the possible reasons of Benea’s recent move. “She has her eyes on 17.” “That’s what the generals are saying, sire.” “And I’m busy in node 13, why wouldn’t she go after my tail end lke the backstabber she is.” Anak’thas groaned. “I need to finish this war.” “How, sire?” The great light that was his eye snapped to the messenger, blinding the man in the spotlight. “How!?” The frustrated god shook the walls. “By finishing it [i]myself[/i]!” [hider=Summary] Benea is stacking 32 with troops while Anak’thas is learning about her potential invasion of 17 while he is busy fighting dusky lady in 13. Anak’thas comes to the conclusion that he will need to personally go to 13 and end the war so he can then stop Benea’s trickery.[/hider] [hider=might]none spent[/hider]