A rather peculiar specimen made his entrance into the tavern next. In a manner comparable to a Centaur, two semi-autonomous bodies made up his frame. But with identical amalgamation of raptorial and feline attributes throughout both, this was an entirely different beast altogether. Frontal talons and posterior paws carried the creature forth; his silver feathered cranium perched eight feet above the ground as goldenrod irises scanned the area intently. Bronze colored pelage mostly made up the duo of frames over a well muscled physique. A robust mane of fur seemed to trail from the top of his head to the bottom of his underbelly. Similarly, what appeared to be a single extensive pair of folded wings was actually two separate sets lined along his backside Tharraleos was the designation of this individual. Given his features, one could denote he was some kind of mutated Griffin of sorts. A nomadic wanderer of the world, he seldom stayed in one place for too long. His bodies were aching from traversing for so long without ceasing. It had been twelve days since he stopped for rest and he was certainly beginning to take its toll on him. After briefly losing consciousness while skybound he decided now was the time to replenish himself. Approaching the counter, he'd situate his lower body in a sitting position on the floor while he leaned his weary bipedal torso forward to place his elbows on the counter. Releasing a prolonged exhale from the nares of his golden sawtoothed beak, he could already begin to feel relief from his exhaustion being at a standstill like this. His multitude of limbs and quartet of flight bearers were starting to scream at him less. Maybe he went a bit overboard, but he'd be rested up soon enough.