[hider=Eduard Montag] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/696701994790027387/774617632161660958/monty.jpg[/img] [h2][color=goldenrod][b]Eduard Montag[/b][/color][/h2] •[b]Age:[/b] 22 •[b]Chosen God:[/b] Themis, Goddess of Justice and Divine Order [h3]BIOGRAPHY[/h3] Of Hungarian descent from his father’s side and American descent from his mother’s, Eduard was born and raised in New Haven. Like so many who are fated to grow up in such a tumultuous city, Eduard grew up on the border of impoverishment despite both of his parents working: his father as a police officer and his mother as a stall-owner in a local marketplace. As a child he mostly kept to himself, a reserved nature he maintains to this day, but despite that would frequently get in trouble for fights and skipping class at school, despite his undeniably gifted intellect. His intention always was, after all, to leave school at 16 and join his father in the police force, a dream he always spoke about with uncharacteristic yet charming enthusiasm. Unfortunately, once he did turn 16, tragedy struck. Upon returning home from what would be his last day of school, he witnessed the execution of his parents at the hands of the Cult of Eris in their own apartment. Completely unexplained to the boy and utterly out of the blue, it's an experience that left the young Montag traumatised and with lasting mental scars. Scars that, though his reserved nature does a good job of hiding them, come to the surface from time to time. After sleeping rough for some time, he was offered a home by a former friend of Eduard's mother from the marketplace, the owner of a kebab shop in downtown New Haven as well as an editor for a local newspaper. Now with a roof over his head, Eduard took some time to gather his bearings before, aged just 17, finally joining the police force he'd always so wished to be a part of. A recruit possessing a rare amount of talent, he flew through his training and each task that was thrown at him with machine-like efficiency. But, upon being offered a large promotion only within a year of his start, not only did the young man refuse but he quit the force altogether, disillusioned and feeling entrapped by its protocols. The dream had died along with his father, it seemed. From there, however, he turned to becoming a private investigator and used the money he'd gained from his time with the police to rent out a small upstairs room of the offices of a certain local paper, and until recently flew completely solo. That was until he received a certain letter which would start a series of events involving murder, deception, Gods, the Fates and the start of unravelling the very fabric of New Haven itself. Through these events he would meet several curious faces including Abigail, a war-scarred and religious doctor with a funny accent, and Marie, the daughter of a dubious mayoral candidate. With them, two people the young man felt he could finally trust, he set up Montag Detectives Ltd., a rather bland name as Marie pointed out but there you go that's Eduard for you. A small team dedicated to investigating not only regular cases, but those of a paranormal nature as well. For Montag, it's imperative to keep digging deeper, to find out what really lies at the heart of this mysterious, wretched city he calls his home. To bring those who wrong to justice, whether they be the Gods themselves or the lowest scum of the Earth. And maybe, one day, get an answer as to why his parents were murdered all those years ago.[/center] [/hider]