[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aUgvyiS.png?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/l0GQQtL.png?1[/img][/center] [hr][color=gold]Location:[/color] Dissskas' Underground Base [hr][color=gold]Interactions:[/color] Trypano [@A Lowly Wretch], Ingrid [@dragonpiece], Benedetto, Ismet'ych'lahin'dichora, and the Dissskas [@Force and Fury] [hr] Once One had backed down like it was some misunderstanding, it made Desmond nervous, how long had they been out, and is Penny already searching for them. Desmond thought they shouldn't be caught like them, it would make no sense to have 2 groups of researchers so close to each other. Desmond was very wary of the situation, yet hid his worry like he always did, never showing his thoughts on his face, just a smirk, and some laughs. Desmond asked a few more questions yet they seemed to try and dodge them, maybe out of some form of uncomforting knowledge or maybe trying to hide something. Desmond noticed when he asked some of them, Nine blinked her second set of eyelids and almost spoke before talking to someone else. It almost felt like she tried to dodge the entire interaction. Desmond felt something off. [hider=The Other Questions][color=gold]"What do you do for fun down here?"[/color] [color=gold]"How long have you been down here?"[/color] [color=gold]"Do you all follow each other everywhere you go, including if you guys work? Would you all get work in the same field or adjacent fields to be near each other?"[/color] [color=gold]"Is this place where you guys were born and you guys live here? Is that why you all are here together?"[/color][/hider] Yet as the night came to the end, Desmond and his group was left to sleep in the room they had never left. A large bed was in the center now and they were thought to sleep in it. Ismette called the bed and Desmond said with a little laugh, [color=gold]"Yeah it's all you"[/color]. As Desmond found a place to lay, as he laid back on the floor, he put both his hands underneath his head as he closed his eyes, as he began to calm his heart. He began to pretend he was asleep, while he actually was trying to stay awake. Well staying awake is easy in a hostile situation, Desmond just laid there as he heard everyone make some small talk before sleep found them. Minutes, seconds, hours, Desmond did his best to keep track yet in this place disconnected from the sky unless you keep count you will lose your time. Desmond kept count of seconds, every ten seconds he ticked up a mental counter, it was a way to keep himself from sleeping. After sometime, Desmond heard the door open as he opened one eye slightly and saw Nine come in and starting to head to Ismette. Desmond quietly watched as he was waiting, tensing for anything, as she seemed to sit down and begin to talk to Ismette. Revenge was the theme of the conversation, Desmond didn't mind revenge, he was a man who lived by the code of eye for an eye. Yet this felt strange, Nine seemed hot blooded about this, yet this is not the right time for her. If things go as they are, the Disskas could lose everything to this. Laws even of Enth were pretty strict with murder, as accomplices could be also those who procured weapons or hides them. Yet with a people who abhorred violence, this could be a death sentence for the whole family. Yet Desmond held his tounge, he wanted to wait until they had left, he didn't want to leave Penny, in all her idiocy, Desmond has a responsibility to get her home. Once they made up their mind to the raid, the group began to make their way through the hall ways, Desmond listened to the Disskas' and learned some things, they will be facing about 20 combatants, they have the skills to increase their numbers past the number normally expected. Yet that was another thing, right now they were to arm themselves, Desmond was interested in what weapons they had, as the moment they entered, Desmond knew they were full of shit with the 'violence stick' shit. They tried to play themselves as a superior being who doesn't practice violence and arms, yet in this room filled with weapons far beyond the mind could think, obviously they practiced it more extensively than they had. Yet Desmond was quite happy about this as he had a bit of time to absorb as much information as he could. As Desmond grabbed weapons, he messed with them for moments, asking how they were to be loaded, and then he began to slowly understand a bit of them. As his hand landed upon the rifle, this was the weapon he wanted to know the most, it would make his skills proportionally better. The metal working that designed the trigger, the handle that is attached to some kind of metal object to seal the gun before firing. Desmond also noticed the ammunition, such strange design, along and pointed bullet seated into a metal casing. It must hold the powder to fire the bullet, yet there had to be some way it was to ignite. Desmond can't exactly figure that out through just looking, yet after a few shots, he can probably figure out what happened. The next weapon that interested him was the Shotgun, it was apparently able to fire smaller projectiles like what would be found in a cannon when they used grape shot. He was curious as the bullet looked even stranger, a waxy exterior that upon inspection seemed to hold multiple smaller projectiles. Desmond sighed once he grabbed his weapons as he looked to everyone, [color=gold]"Everyone knows how to use their stuff?"[/color] Desmond wasn't 100% sure how each thing was made, but he understood their uses, he helped people get their bulletproof vests on, putting the equipment on in a way to minimize noise that they produce and even made sure that each person understood the basics of their weapons, how to control the recoil so their weapon doesn't going flying, and with some of them able to fire multiple shots, means that the gun could just fly out of their control and could kill one of them. As once people were finally ready, given a five minute crash course, it was time to get out of here and save Penny.