[@Psyker Landshark][@Smike][@Dusty][@LetMeDoStuff][@ReedeThe23rd][@Chev][@Kuro] Hey guys, I got two big announcements! 1) Well as you can see I finally got the IC up after too long, lol. But that does lead into the second bit as to why: 2) So I got news earlier this week of some pretty big life stuff. My grandmother's called and said she's dying. I won't send all the details, but it's not good news. Most of my family thinks she'll be going into hospice pretty soon and i'll be needing to take some time to go take care of that and say some final goodbyes. It means I haven't been really as active as i'd have liked in getting this sorry, but I hope it's understandable for the circumstances. I haven't been the best at communicating it, but truth be told I needed a little bit of time to take care of it. Thanks.