[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/GjazZAE.png[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@Natsu][hr][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]EARTH 257 - 7:50 PM Nov. 14th, 2021 - Genosha[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/815379011852042261/990749831641317426/unknown.png]The Healing Gardens[/url] - Bob looked at Oliver for a moment, a little confused with what Oliver was saying. "I, uh... I need to go see her. I'm sorry, doc," he then added to Reyes, since he had come to help, before leaving the Healing Gardens and rushing out into the Waiting Grove. [b][color=84B4E2]The Waiting Grove[/color][/b] - Eye-Boy shrugged. "Magic stuff, maybe? Your guess is as good as mine," he said, answering Cass. If he had known what the red aura surrounding them all meant, then he would've offered some sort of explanation. But as it stood, it was just something that he could see around them, something mysterious and ominous. And the longer he looked at them, the more he realized that it was slowly [i]growing[/i] in intensity each minute. There was a hint of a smile on Professor X's lips, but it quickly vanished. "Thank you, child - but this requires the steady hand of an experienced telepath. It is one thing to copy someone's power - another thing entirely to understand it and use it," he cautioned. Before much more could be said though, a man rushed out of the healing grove, looking at all of them with bewilderment. He took in the people present, mostly focusing on the women of the group, before his gaze settled on Sparky. She had the same exact eyes as her mother. He knew then in his bones that it was her. That she was his daughter. His eyes started to tear up. "Um, I'm..." There was a beat. Professor X looked at Sparky, before returning to look at Bob. "X-Men, that will be all. Those of you in need of psychic healing, please follow me. Bob.... Good luck." Bob nodded, still looking at Sparky. The X-Men left the area, going off to go find some dinner most likely, as Professor X lead the Secret Warriors (minus Darcy, Raynor, and Sparky) back into the Healing Gardens. There, he instructed them all to lie down and bade for them to clear their minds. He instructed them that they needed to restore their minds to proper order, which most likely would mean overcoming a series of psychic obstacles, but that he would be available if any of them needed help. He could not astrally project into everyone's mind at once though, so only his voice would be present. Meanwhile, still in the waiting grove - "Um, I'm... I'm Bob Banner," Bob said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "And, um... I think you're my daughter - my Lana."[hr][b]Flynn - [/b] When Flynn opened his eyes next, he would find himself in what looked like a military bunker. His mind would be clear of the effects of the drugs - but his memories still all scrambled. In this military bunker, he was specifically in what looked to be a hallway. Doors lined it on either side, one of which had a warning written on it - [i]DANGER. DO NOT OPEN.[/i] And as fate would have it, there was a distinct pounding sound coming from the other side of that one door. "Why, if it isn't the ex-witch hunter," [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/79/de/60/79de607ba87528666b4e116d7dda2941.jpg]a man[/url] with hearing aids and a bow slung across his back said, coming down the hallway. "If you're looking for wooden stakes, we're fresh out, Agent." [b]Bonnie - [/b] Bonnie opened her eyes. She took in her surroundings and her breath halted. She recognized where she was - well, where her [i]mind[/i] decided she was. She knew that all of this wasn't real. But it still wasn't any easier to be back within the walls of the [i]asylum[/i] she had once been confined to. Bonnie stood up from the bed she had been laying down on, inspecting herself. She was wearing a hospital gown and any sign of her baby bump was gone. She could feel something digging into her shoulder though - what felt like [i]talons[/i]. A gigantic barn owl was sitting on her shoulder, and Bonnie's heart twitched at seeing it. [color=f6989d]"Athena...?"[/color] The barn owl hooted, before flying off and out of the room. [color=f6989d]"Wait!"[/color] Bonnie shouted, running after the owl. [b]Amelia - [/b] When Amelia opened her eyes, she found herself... inside a Blockbuster video store? [color=FFB795]"Woah... The inside of my mind is some sort of DVD rental shop?"[/color] Amelia murmured. DVDs didn't exist in the Iron, but they were still around in the Blue. People in the Blue tended to be distrustful of technology that originated in the Iron, and their inventors were disorganized at best, so things tended to be a little bit behind the rest of the world there. Most movies Amelia had seen actually came from Europe - New Asgard even had a cute little film studio she adored. "Ooo, this looks fun," [url=https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BODlhOGM4MGMtYjBjMi00MWQ2LTk4OWUtYzQ2YzE0NWZkODlkXkEyXkFqcGdeQW1yb3NzZXI@._V1_QL75_UY281_CR88,0,500,281_.jpg]a blonde woman[/url] said, dressed in a snazzy red-and-blue suit, with a brown aviator jacket over it. Somewhere in Amelia's head, she [i]knew[/i] this woman - but at the same time, she had no idea who she was. [color=FFB795]"Sorry, but... Who the bloody hell are you, mate?"[/color] Amelia asked. [b]Cass - [/b] When Cass opened her eyes, she would find herself at the Triskelion, dressed in a traditional SHIELD agent uniform. The sun was shining outside, coming in through the glass walls of the building. But while everything was as she remembered it, there was something strange - there was no one walking through the hallways, no one standing in the conference rooms, no one checking their phone for a text by the elevators. Cass would then receive a message on her communicator: [b]THE BASEMENT. NOW.[/b] [b]Maria - [/b] When Maria opened her eyes, she would find herself back in her childhood bedroom - her childhood from the main reality, Earth-666. Everything would be exactly as she had left it. From the windows, she would be able to see that it was raining gently outside. And from somewhere in the house, she could hear the sound of commotion - her little sister maybe? But most bizarrely, Maria wasn't alone in the room. Sitting across from her, mirroring her poses, was... [i]herself.[/i] This other Maria was glowing a faint red. Meanwhile, Maria herself (the original Maria, the real Maria) was becoming strangely translucent, the light beginning to pass through her body, like she was becoming a ghost. [b]Oliver - [/b] When Oliver opened his eyes, it would be to a tragedy. He was sitting alone in the ruins of what had once been Cardiff. Alien spaceships hovered above the city. No bombs were dropping however, as everything was already gone, reduced to smoldering rubble. Fires raged unattended in some places, with no one present to douse them. Bodies littered the street - some of them wearing uniforms, indicating military or police, but mostly innocent civilians, including children. In Oliver's hand, he would find himself clutching a bloody teddy bear. A shadow loomed over him. From behind, an [url=https://img.theweek.in/content/dam/week/news/entertainment/images/2019/4/26/thanos-avengers-infinity.jpg]alien[/url] spoke - "Was it worth it, Thane?" Thanos asked. [b]Niah - [/b] When Niah opened her eyes, she would find herself in a gigantic library - one that would surely rival the Library of Alexandria, or even the one from Beauty and the Beast. The library was quiet and the lighting was low. There was a sort of musty smell in the air, the sort that comes from books that have been left alone for decades without being touched. On the counter of the help desk, there was a bell with a note next to it, in plain script - [i]DO NOT RING THE BELL[/i]. Suddenly, Niah would hear someone coughing. If she looked up, she would see... [i]herself[/i], at the top of a tall ladder, reaching for a book on the shelf. But if that wasn't weird enough, Niah would spot [i]two more Niahs[/i] in other spots of the library, all reaching for something they could not quite grasp. [b]Matt - [/b] When Matt opened his eyes, the first thing he would likely notice would be the flickering lights. The overhead lighting kept going in and out, little [i]bzzt[/i]s coming from the fixtures each time the bulb struggled to come back to life. Everything was bathed in an eerie blue glow and there didn't seem to be much of any sort of natural light source. But as Matt took in his surroundings, he would realize he was on a boat - and not just any boat... He was on a submarine. A red alarm began to blare. And cracks started to form on the glass of one of the windows. [hider=The X-Men of Earth-257][list][*][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0b/71/2e/0b712e8aa56b223d40faa5b0679b2a77.jpg]Firestorm[/url] [*][url=https://media.gq.com/photos/59baaf26a64be8552d93ad9a/16:9/w_2560%2Cc_limit/jennifer-lawrence-red-sparrow.jpg]Syphon [/url] [*][url=https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_medium/11112/111123579/7559200-eyeboy.jpg]Eye-Boy[/url] [*][url=https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/01_492.png]Wolverine[/url] [*][url=https://2v7smn27y3922e05obea523d-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/champion-unstoppable-colossus.jpg]Colossus[/url] [*][url=https://external-preview.redd.it/n-IMZHynmjXPP6SLSBPHQ5JOsrWgvO8nIfUTxLJugms.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=ddb89ba36f5b16d5b1574d05e6bdcdea3f025271]Nightcrawler[/url] [*][url=https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_small/1/14487/8364041-dd160250-1ba1-49b4-8bb2-d69ce4b1319f.jpeg]Cerebella[/url] [*][url=https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_medium/11114/111141742/7812006-s.w.o.r.d._vol_2_3_textless.jpg]Manifold[/url] [/list][/hider]