[Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200312/bd228c426d0da7459764cb788d45b1cd.png[/img] [Sub].:⋮In the Pipe⋮:.[/Sub] [hider=Summary] (21) | (21) | (21) | (9) | (4) (Metal & Lightning & Gravity) | (Regen & Prime) (Bile) | (Tooth and Claw) | (Elemental) | (Enhanced Uniform) | (Imortality) (Monstrous Metamorph) | (Legacy) | (Enhanced Weapon) | (Dual Weapon) | (Gifted) (ManaFont) (Redirected magic) | (Second spec) | (Transport) (Broken reincarnation) | (Non standard limbs) | (Debt) [/hider] [/center] Penny surveyed the collection of Maho that had gathered at the park. It was a diverse set, but thankfully it was also a rather limited one as well. Penrose wouldn’t be left defenseless if she left with these girls, she decided with a short nod to herself. She stayed quiet as everyone gave out their assorted blessings. Her systems greedily accepted the lightning, nearly demanding more, something Lily would possibly note. Even as they completely rebuffed the Beast magic, something that Alex would definitely notice. Penny simply lacked the amount of animal, the amount of nature, within her to be able to benefit from said specialization. [color=9e0039][u][b]“I can handle getting us back from Bolorton”[/b][/u][/color] Penny would speak up once it looked like everyone was ready to go. [color=9e0039][u][b]“I’ll need to be near the last one though, but I’ve got a few tricks that mean I should be able to replicate the way home if we need it.”[/b][/u][/color] She would explain. She knew most of the people here likely had seen her mimicry abilities at one point or another, and would assume that was why, as Penny hadn’t really told anyone that she had replaced those abilities for her own safety. She was fine with that, she had other options after all. [color=9e0039][u][b]“To that end I’ve a gift of my own to help out while we are on the other side.”[/b][/u][/color] She’d go on to say as she pulled out a fair few technological ear pieces from her leg compartment. [color=9e0039][u][b]“These will let us stay in contact with each other”[/b][/u][/color] She would explain as she handed them out. [color=9e0039][u][b]“And help keep track of everyone so we can all be sure to get out when it’s time to leave.”[/b][/u][/color] The ear pieces would wrap around the outside of the ear and were rather simple to operate, a button to turn on and off the mic and a switch that showed which of the four channels it was connected to. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Hit the button to turn on the mic, and again to turn it off. They are rather sturdy, but I don’t expect them to withstand a direct attack so try to be careful.”[/b][/u][/color] Ellen and Tina made their showing just in time for Penny to hand them their set as well, though she just gave them a nod in greeting for now. There would be more time for a brief of what she wanted once they crossed over, as well as time to ask where Sann was. It might not have been as fancy as anyone else's magical showing, but it was perhaps the largest single drain Penny had used for her own magic outside of when she had access to Killing Blow. She was already apologizing to whoever it was that owned the car she was going to be eating for it as well. Penny waited until everyone had gotten their earpieces put in before sending a test comm so everyone would get an idea of how they worked. Then came Myra’s overly dramatic opening of the portal, something that Penny would put Coins on being mostly for show. The mechanical Queen had used Portal Magic a few times herself after all. Still it was time to go into the breach and with that in mind she waited at the back of the pack, she had her own show to put on after all. There was also one other thing she wanted to take care of. [hr] [u][i]To parties unknown[/i][/u] [color=9e0039][u][i]“Hey, I’m contacting you over a private line as I want to keep this quiet”[/i][/u][/color] Penny would silently broadcast out.[color=9e0039][u][i]“As a precaution I wanted you to try and keep an eye on me. Not sure how my systems will handle the loss of my Spark, so if I start Redlining or growing too unstable just tell me[/i] [b]‘Remember your oaths and vows.’[/b] [i]That should get me to calm down”[/i][/u][/color] She would tell them. In truth she had no idea if the override codes would work as she expected them to, even if she didn’t read any loops or recursions in the logic. [color=9e0039][u][i]“Again, this is just a precaution, I doubt that you’ll need to talk me down at all. But rather safe than sorry with this.”[/i][/u][/color]