It's not a stretch to say the Kaeri are monsters. She's been aboard the [i]Anemoi.[/i] Seen, in the cramped, dark quarters, the ghastly furniture. Has seen, only barely, the Lanterns taking them apart, recovering fathers and aunts, sisters and children, giving them the rest denied by their murderers. To be seen is to face cruel death, just for the pleasure of killing. And that, just from a regular rank and file member. More terrifying still are the genetic engineers who made them, who pushed for that perfection, who looked for a design that could revel in efficient death and silent cruelty and seek to improve on it. There must be another way. Surely, there is. Someone among the Hermetics who could help. A Coherent who knows a guy who knows a guy. And if she had time, she'd chase them down, and find them. If the fuse weren't lit, she could relish the luxury of the best option. If Mynx's time weren't counting down, if she could believe that Mynx wouldn't light the ship ablaze in the pyre of her Rampancy, she wouldn't be down here, talking to the Evocati, and feeling only glad that the Kaeri were not allowed to pillage their furniture from the [i]Anemoi.[/i] "I don't want to lose my friend. You don't want this ship to burn. We have a shared goal in this."