Greyson was sitting, legs crossed over on a low sofa of undeniably european make; the sort that makes you squat over if you're more than 4 foot tall and says: “you can perch here, but i hope you dont intend on staying for long”. A low coffee table was also in front of him. On the table was a cup with a slice of lemon in it, teabag label hanging down which said “nettle”. There were also a few personnel files scattered around and one in his hands which was reading. He did not look up when Skye came into the rec room… generally its the custom that you don't have to stand to attention when in the rec room, unless someone says so. Most of the personnel file history was redacted of-course, which Brazen considered an occupational hazard for someone trying to figure out what the teams strengths were, and how best to support them. But his experience in the field allowed him to make some guesses. The rest he’d just have to learn in action. He finally looked up at Skye: “Y’know a single cruise missile would mess this whole base up… beyond that all we've got is Glitches’ countermeasures and that [url=]CIWS[/url] i saw hiding on the roof… ive never seen one with a railgun though… i hope it doesnt lag.” he said almost to no one in particular. He had an inherent scepticism for new technology, even his own. When Skye hinted at a briefing for the mission he snapped the personnel file closed immediately, revealing the name on it was “Brazen”. This was now time for business… “Good, i do hate to be scrambled for action before i even know who the opposition is…”