[@Click This][@Crusader Lord][@Pyromania99] “Underground, above ground, eh. All the same to a dwarf.” Eirhild responded with a shrug. “Thanks lass.” The blond human though, seemed less than enthused by the company present, eyeing both the Mothraki and Lissa critically with a glare that could freeze the sun itself. “And don’t mind the blondie. She’s uh, she’s got a lot on her plate right now - huh? Guh, sage stones, a demon!?” This, seemed to both put the human and dwarf both on the immediate defensive. The moment Vammy showed up but she was already making her way out just after leaving a roll of some sort in Leuca’s hands. The elf didn’t even bother holding onto it as Sorcha swiftly snatched it up. Leuca seemed to make a further effort to retreat behind Sorcha. “...Hmph. This village harbors Mothraki and even demons. I’m surprised you’re not a den of degeneracy and evil yet.” The roll in the humans hands would suddenly start sparking with electricity as only seconds later it’d simply almost be vaporized in a show of sparks and crackling of energy. “Allow me to ask you one more thing. Are there Apostles of Rheanne in this village?” “There’s a demon here of all things!” Eirhild huffed. “The apostles would burn this place to the ground if they found it!” “I can’t be too careful, Eirhild. I am not putting Leuca at unnecessary risk, and if I have to I’ll be the one burning this village.” The woman then turned her attention back to Nylah. “Thank you for the offer, Mothraki, but I have no intention of housing Leuca on the same roof as one of your kind.” “...uhm…S-sis? Sorcha?” The soft voice of the elf hiding behind the woman quietly was heard. “What is it, Leuca?” “I think…we can…trust her.” “...You are aware what Mothraki can do, aren’t you?” “W-well, yes, but…the others here don’t seem to mind her…I think its fine, Sorcha.” “...hmph, well, alright then. Allow me to introduce myself. Sorcha. You don’t need to know who we are beyond just travelers. If you would be gracious enough to allow the both of us to stay in your home, then if Leuca is fine with it I have no reason to refuse. But let me be very clear - if any of you do anything to Leuca,” The woman's expression shifted to one of simple hostility to one of pure murderous intent. “I’ll turn this entire village into a crater.” “...Sorcha, stop that.” “You stop being so nice to people, Leuca.” “You’re the one who taught me to be open minded!” Eirhild simply was leaning on a pew, seemingly trying to distance herself from the two of them bickered. “So what’s this about a rescue operation? I got free time and I’m lookin’ for work lass.” She’d question Lissa. “O-oh, uhm…there was another elf…I think her name was Seelay? She wanted to pass along that your fish problem is being caused by Valtem and one of their Leviathans…” Lecua chimed in to the both of them having properly quieted Sorcha. “I uhm…she went back to Tamaln, too…” [hider=Current Happenings] [i]The moon goddess glances up at the sky, before a bolt of lightning falls from the top of the screen and slams into her. Rather comically, it only burns her clothes and she makes a cheeky attempt at covering herself with her arms.[/i] Current location: Dawn Time: Morning [hr] Potential Events: [list] [*]Asvar has mentioned a lack of Ore and that he might know where more are. Apparently Raelzeth is having trouble locating it with her stone-singing. [*]The fish problem remains as of yet solved. [*]Apparently Mie was attacked by the Yaga and Krysa and is held up somewhere in the Northern Snowfields. [*]Enli mentioned not having enough coins or goods to barter with the merchant Mie, if she comes. Perhaps he himself have some ideas on this. [*]The Crypts are off limits. Did something happen? [*]There could be a way to start diversifying Dawn’s food options aside from its usual fish, berry, and forest animal diet. [*]Well, the human doesn’t seem to be the friendliest. [*]Perhaps there's something you, personally, feel that needs to be done? [/list] [/hider] [@Pyromania99] [hr] [color=a0410d][i]“...careful around that human, Vammy.”[/i][/color] The demon said in her head as she’d leave the cathedral. [color=a0410d][i]“Something about her makes my little heart shudder in the ‘oh, I might actually die’ way.”[/i][/color] Heading back to Lazhiras, Vammy wouldn’t have much trouble aside from the demon making complaints and speaking incessantly about that blond haired woman and wanting Vammy to stay away from her for some reason. In fact, there was a small amount of -fear- from the demon, something that Vammy hadn’t felt from her in any other capacity since they’ve been together. Regardless, as she pushed open the door to Lazhira’s house she’d be met with quite the unfortunate sight on the part of their little prisoner. [url=https://i.imgur.com/GWvBVJl.jpg]The woman had managed to free herself somehow.[/url] Her robes had been done away with now and whatever enchantment that was keeping her face from being indistinguishable from others had finally seemingly been done away with revealing a slightly darker skinned human with shorter hair and a bit angry looking amber colored eyes. “Aha, you just had to come back now, huh?” The woman clicked her tongue, seeming none too pleased. “Ugh, and I was hoping I wouldn’t have to deal with something so boring.” She had managed to pilfer the knives Lazhira likely used for foraging and was holding them, ready to somehow defend herself and get out of here. “Well, whatever. I’ll at least take your corpse back and dissect it.” [hider=Current Happenings] [i]The moon goddess holds up a sign with an 18+ behind a red emblem on it looking quite displeased[/i] Current location: Dawn Time: Morning [hr] Potential Events: [list] [*]Asvar has mentioned a lack of Ore and that he might know where more are. Apparently Raelzeth is having trouble locating it with her stone-singing. [*]The fish problem remains as of yet solved. [*]Apparently Mie was attacked by the Yaga and Krysa and is held up somewhere in the Northern Snowfields. [*]Enli mentioned not having enough coins or goods to barter with the merchant Mie, if she comes. Perhaps he himself have some ideas on this. [*]The Crypts are off limits. Did something happen? [*]There could be a way to start diversifying Dawn’s food options aside from its usual fish, berry, and forest animal diet. [*]Seems like a certain prisoner is getting uppity [*]Perhaps there's something you, personally, feel that needs to be done? [/list] [/hider] [hr] [@ERode] [hr] Maira paused her cleaning and frowned. Atzi did have some logic to her words, after all, but still…if it was in the village then word would spread easier about where it was, and there was no telling what would happen then. “Atzi you need to understand Iva’krorh is very…disconnected with his followers.” Enli responded to her question with a thoughtful hum. “He doesn’t help directly. Moreso give a sort of guidance to people who follow him and ask him things. He doesn’t stop them from doing things like this, but he rarely does he order mortals around.” Enli’s mouth slowly turned into a troubled frown, though as he’d continue. “Still…there is a possibility that he does have a more direct hand this time, and if he does…” Enli sighed, pressing his fingers to the bridge of his nose. “Well, then there’d be little we could do to stop him, even if we were protecting it.” “...what do we know of the second key?” Maira questioned. “Only that it looks nothing like the first and was tossed to the mortal realm by the god himself for ‘safekeeping’ apparently.” Enli replied. “Little more than that, I’m afraid.” He looked to Atzi and Maira. “Truthfully…I do not know the best way forward here. Maybe if we didn’t have to deal with the blizzard the village had already gone through and another one possibly in the near future this wouldn’t be so difficult…” Enli shook his head. “I’ll let you decide what to do. Otherwise I’ll speak with Akala about this and see what she thinks.” [hider=Current Happenings] [i]The moon goddess laughs…her hair briefly turns into tentacles. That was just a trick of the light, right? Right.[/i] Current location: Dawn Time: Morning [hr] Potential Events: [list] [*]Asvar has mentioned a lack of Ore and that he might know where more are. Apparently Raelzeth is having trouble locating it with her stone-singing. [*]The fish problem remains as of yet solved. [*]Apparently Mie was attacked by the Yaga and Krysa and is held up somewhere in the Northern Snowfields. [*]Enli mentioned not having enough coins or goods to barter with the merchant Mie, if she comes. Perhaps he himself have some ideas on this. [*]The Crypts are off limits. Did something happen? [*]There could be a way to start diversifying Dawn’s food options aside from its usual fish, berry, and forest animal diet. [*]Perhaps there's something you, personally, feel that needs to be done? [/list] [/hider] [hr] [@Cu Chulainn] [hr] Finding Asvar wasn’t hard. His forge while it had been silent since the blizzard ended, was located a bit towards the shoreline and towards the southern end of the village. While Bolcha and his men were general handyman that did a lot of the construction work and general day to day work, the dwarf from Azurumnal did work as one could expect of a blacksmith - working with iron, steel, and making all manner of higher quality weapons. Arrowheads, shaping harpoons, armor if he had enough, but generally he tended to forge things for much more domestic affairs and use. As he neared the shop though, he’d finally run into one of the little gremlins known for causing mischief in Dawn. Asvar’s daughter, a Half-shadow elf by the name of Raelzeth. A short girl of dark skin that possessed both the magical talent of Shadow elves, and the stone-singing of her father. “I’ve heard of you.” The young girl walked up to Gideon, walking alongside him. “The grown ups say you’re some sorta smart guy, huh? How smart. You ever been to Naraheim?” The land of demons, buried under Gloomhollow Gideon would know of it at least. He’d also know that from what he’s heard of Raelzeth from before, she was likely up to some small mischief. [hider=Current Happenings] [i]The moon goddess punches an oddly shaped square tree that produces an oddly shaped square block of wood which she then somehow turns into a wooden pickaxe.[/i] Current location: Dawn Time: Morning [hr] Potential Events: [list] [*]Asvar has mentioned a lack of Ore and that he might know where more are. Apparently Raelzeth is having trouble locating it with her stone-singing. [*]The fish problem remains as of yet solved. [*]Apparently Mie was attacked by the Yaga and Krysa and is held up somewhere in the Northern Snowfields. [*]Enli mentioned not having enough coins or goods to barter with the merchant Mie, if she comes. Perhaps he himself have some ideas on this. [*]The Crypts are off limits. Did something happen? [*]There could be a way to start diversifying Dawn’s food options aside from its usual fish, berry, and forest animal diet. [*]Perhaps there's something you, personally, feel that needs to be done? [/list] [/hider] [hr] [@Guy0fV4lor] [hr] Tick. Tick. Tick. He was in a white void, a clock ticking around him, echoing into the vast nothingness. He was awake, but he could not move, nor breath, nor blink. He was conscious, but suspended in this vast nothingness. Above him as he laid there, he could see into a vast infinity. What seemed to be a tapestry of worlds disintegrating and fading into a patch of clockwork and gears before they too, would vanish into nothing as they stretched on and on. Below he could not see for he could not move, but he was being watched. But by what, he had no idea, and finally the clock would cease its ticking as he’d find himself falling, falling… Within the now off limit crypts of Dawn, there was the sound of a clock slowly ticking away unheard by any but the man currently laying on a carved stone table. His flesh having recently turned black and starting to seemingly rot and bloat. He had been brought in shortly after the Blizzard had started, before things got bad by Maira who had found him washed up in the rivers edge in some sort of strange coma. Achel had decided to keep him here since it’d be the easiest place to keep him in this unknown state. Yet it seemed like whatever ailment had afflicted the young man, had finally run its course. Something a certain gravekeeper was finally going to make advantage of. “Okay okay, I can do this. Totally won’t go wrong a tenth time!” Using her threads to move the body into a slightly more manageable and easy to work with position, Achel began focusing on the magical energy in her objectively tiny body. “Ancient rites of death, the oath of the dead and bindings of the underworld, I ask thee for a soul to inhabit this body and to render aid!” The ticking, would quite suddenly stop for Finn and as he fell into that white void below, he’d suddenly find himself waking upon the table. There was a ripping and tearing noise as the blackened flesh would tear itself from his body as he moved, much like a serpent shedding his skin Finn would shed the necrotic skin he had previously been in. And he’d find himself face to face with about three zombies in front of him. “Huh!?” Behind him, Achel stared wide eyed. “You weren’t dead!?” [hider=Current Happenings] [i]Gears tick away at the edge of the screen, the Moon Goddess sits on a rotating gear, but otherwise she says nothing.[/i] Current location: Dawn Time: Morning [hr] Potential Events: [list] [*] Where the heck are you? [*] This isn’t Aventhrone. [*] Oh dear that’s a zombie going for your neck [/list] [/hider]