I was getting shot at, but their aim was terrible. I thought they were shooting the street, too. I pressed for the moonroof to slide open. it not only slid open, but opened so much the back seats folded in, and maneuvered to have a jacuzzi begin, when the back-roof comparted itself. I had careening steps to the jacuzzi, walked up them from the middle, and shot my Thompson SMG over the jacuzzi at a force of motorcycling Monkies. I got some dead, but they had superior weapons so I couldn't focus on them all - they shot a Rocket Propelled Grenade at my limousine but it flew over it and devestated the wall, catastrophicly it tried to collapse on the motorcyclists, but they evaded it. Again they shot a RPG at the automobile, veering pass me to the street ahead. My driver stepped on the gas peddle and we vectored through the damage, skidding onto the belly of the limousine at the otherside, and bumping forward after it. That caused the SMGs to huddle about me, I commandanted another and so I shot two Thompson SMGs at my foes. I sprayed apart, and brought them together to a bar. That got the monkies. We exited the building, without a sight of them, too. I did see some escape inevitably, but we were long gone by then. They didn't pursue, they must of been just meddling with their dire strait.