My driver got into a forest preserve, slowed, and parked. A button transformed her side of the closed automobile into a throne-opening. She walked down from her mantle, took a good look at me there by the jacuzzi among Thompson Submachine Guns, sitting with my sabers sheathed on my back on the last step to the jacuzzi. She was a yellow and blue Dragonfly. He wings fluttered into existance from behind her, she hovered and zaned over to me, landed nimbly some feet away, and when her wings stalled, showing their transparency, the blonde thanked me. I stood up, saying as I took steps toward her "No thanks or welcomes are needed. I got in, you got out, Pretty." I stopped a foot away, turned and off the sideseat over the automobile's frame stepped out of the the convertable limousine, landing on the turf. "I'm a Hero, I wanted to. *By the sound of her voice she turned her face towards my scales* I am the Yellow-Winged Darter Dragonfly, and the name's Meadow Dragonfly." I said primevally "I'm the Brown Spotted Pit Viper Burg Viper, a Burglar." I slithered away.