It really did come down to a difference in perspective. Fanilly had been very young when she first learned of her position as a successor to the Iron Rose Knights' leadership. But even as a small child, she was aware something had changed. Her education took a considerably different track. She had gone from a potential candidate to a certain candidate, and one that would be needed as soon as she came of age. Matters of military, of warfare. The way to use a sword. She had gone from a noble's daughter who would never see combat to a knight-in-training incredibly swiftly. Her perspective from her education was one that had groomed her for a leadership role. Of course she would fight on the battlefield, but she would also command her knights in battle strategy. Thus, it was not the perspective of a single soldier who must execute those commands. No matter how embarrassing she found her failure to consider all the possible sources of information, it ultimately came down to the gap in their perspectives. And that made Sir Gerard all the more useful as a partner in searching these books for clues, didn't it? And so... Places of madness. Locations that could insight sudden violence or loss of sanity. Or perhaps locations afflicted with strange curses, like the withering of plantlife or the avoidance of animals. It was in the tome that Sir Gerard had just presented, the [i]Thaln's Locales - The Many Faces of the Homeland[/i], that she found something that peaked her curiosity. "Here, look here..." Pointing to the passage in question, it read. [i]Brennan Forest is lush and fertile with life, perfect for the enterprising hunter or the herbalist. But one must be aware of the dangers, and one danger is particularly curious. The remains of an orcish temple, erected to some profane and wicked figure lay long abandoned in the forest's eastern reaches. While the last of its inhabitants were slain long ago, it is still considered a place of evil. It is said that dark thoughts of violence and madness can manifest in those who spend more then a few hours nearby. Of course, this place exists only in the tales of wild adventurers, so it's difficult to verify the truth behind them. But historical records do indicate an orc temple once stood in Brennan, and thus it would be unwise to remain unaware of the potential danger.[/i] [@HereComesTheSnow]