[center][h1]Growing Cold[/h1][/center] [hr] The journey north was shorter than any expected. With Skydancer’s enhancement, they were soon enough on the cusp of the giantlands. With bated breath Zima watched it unfold at blinding speed. Dark storm clouds blanketed all in front of them, like moving mountains they encompassed the north like an impenetrable wall. Worse, she could see no end in sight and no direction they could take to avoid them. So they went through and none were prepared for what awaited them. A fierce gale battered Skydancer, bringing with it bitter cold and biting sleet. The divinity of the boat protected them from the worst of it but Zima could not help but think how any others would fare. Eventually the new Homura dipped the bow of the boat and they flew down. She could hardly see outside of the boat, the wall of white made it seem like they were in a tunnel. It was disorienting to say the least. She had no idea how long this went on for but she found herself moving closer to Fear, even if she was unable to feel her as she was. Zima hated herself for what she had done to her… Was it even right to call her a friend? A companion? Such guilt weighed on her heavily but she had to try and make things amicable. And then… It was instant. One second the storm consumed them and she felt they would be directionless forever and the next… It was all clear. Well, the wind and snow stopped, the clouds still hung, now higher up in the sky. Yet, something else wasn’t quite right. She stood to get a better bearing and gasped. The northern land was far off yet but they flew over ice. Where once had been the ocean, now a vast sheet of ice stretched before them. She looked back and saw the massive wall of a blizzard grow fainter and somehow wider. “What’s going on…” She whispered. Zima looked back to where they were heading. Something else caught her eye. The faintest blue light, like a pillar, stretching up into the ominous sky. It lay to the far east and then she looked to the west to see the same. It was almost as if… “He’s freezing the world!” Zima spun, looking to Fear and then to Homura. “If that storm makes landfall…” She grabbed her head and fell to her knees. Shysie stirred, Rowan firmly held against her chest. “Many will perish. I told you,” she turned to Homura, “He sees us all as feverish. He wants us dead and he has started with my home.” she lamented. Home. Zima looked back toward the ever growing shoreline. It was all blanketed with snow, a white expanse upon white, with peaks of green trees shooting up into the sky. The only reminder that at one point there were different colors. The brown of bark. The green of foliage. The blue of water. The yellow, red and purple of wild flowers. It was her home and she was returning to a disaster. All sorts of emotions welled up inside of Zima but the only thing she truly wanted to do was scream. Fear’s hand inscribed with the shifting symbols of the Gnosis reached for her’s, and Fear spoke softly to her. “I promised to protect Rowan, and I promise I’ll protect you too. Even if I’m afraid, I’ll still stand against those that bring such suffering, so we’re going to cure Viho and Chailiss, and save those that have been lost.” Zima looked up at Fear, grabbing her hand after a moment of hesitation. "I hope you're right." She whispered, unable to hold her gaze. [b][i]“The Childan await us, we must reunite with them first.”[/i][/b] Homura II said, as Skydancer swiftly reached the shore and soared over the bleak frozen forest now buried by a cold god. The snow was so thick in places it covered the ground and rose to the middle of the tall pine trees. Nothing stirred that any could see and all was blanketed in a deafening silence. Only the snow fell, as if the very sky itself wept frozen tears. They soar past much of the same, just snow covered hills and valleys and plains. Little there was to mark anything, yet Shysie guided them onward by some unknown intuition. She could feel the flame still burning, so she said. And upon twilight did they see a small light on the horizon, endless dark all around it. It was where the flamekeepers kept watch and now perhaps the last safe place any could find in the North. As they neared it became apparent just how true that was. There were fires everywhere and so many Childans. At the center of it all, the blue flame towered over all and it was where Homura II brought Skydancer down. Immediately they were descended upon with curious gazes and cheers. "Spirit Mother!" They called. "She hasn't abandoned us!" They said. The irony wasn't lost on Zima. "Shysie!" A taller woman stepped through the crowd as the spirit looked on at what could have been. A people she would have loved but it had not been so. Regret panged her features and she sat down on the boat, hanging her head low. Shysie stood and held Rowan close. "Chilali!" She exclaimed, clasping the hand of the other childan woman. "What has happened? Where is Alona and the others? Mair?" She asked, looking towards Zima and Fear with interest. Zima could not hold her gaze. "Quiet down!" Shysie yelled out. Chilali turned and raised her hands towards the gathering Childan. Both women and men alike looked on, fidgeting with sorrowful faces. Many of the women clutched small bundles at their chests. Death crossed her mind again but she clasped Fear’s hand and tried to banish such thoughts of her own demise. "The spirit father has gone mad! He has brought this great dying upon us all!" Shysie called out, much to the clamor and outrage of some. "We must prepare for the end! If we do not then our people will be lost forevermore. If you do not believe me then…" She turned to Homura II, "Then listen to the spirit mother!" [b][i]“Your father has betrayed you all. He brings this deathly cold to you, and he seeks your demise. Know; winter’s wrath will come.”[/i][/b] Homura II proclaimed, standing upon the tip of her silver spear so that she stood over the congregation, and was easily seen by all. There was little comfort to be found in her stoic visage and stern voice. Homura II held up a hand, and an unseen force passed through those gathered all around, subtle yet felt nonetheless as it evoked warmth and solace akin to the peace found in families gathered by a bonfire during the night. Visions swam through the sea of people, showing them what they had not seen before, and slowly banishing the dreadful sorrow. [b][i]“You are not alone, and you have not been abandoned. You have each other, and that connection shall guide you through this calamity. Continue to cooperate, be compassionate, and have faith, and you shall have salvation.”[/i][/b] The demigoddess continued to speak with clarity and conviction, as she stepped from where she perched atop her spear onto the whispering wind, and walked upon the balmy breeze. [b][i]“Evil is not eternal, and united we shall overcome it. There is hope within all of you; let it light the way ahead. Chailiss desires your despair, for your suffering, for you to eat each other and fend for themselves, but I believe the Childan have virtue in their hearts. Valor and love. Winter will pass. The seasons will change. Spring will come.”[/i][/b] Homura II came to a halt after soaring overhead, close to where Skydancer had alighted and she became silent as she stood on the tip of her spear once again. The demigoddess glanced towards Zima and Fear, and tilted her head with an enigmatic expression, as if seeking an answer to an unspoken question in order to understand. Zima held her gaze for a time before letting it falter. Perhaps there was hope, the slimmest of hopes but it yet endured. "You see my sisters! My brothers! We have not been abandoned!" Shysie called out. "We will endure as we always have! This is our home and it will be ours again!" To this the Childan let out whoops and hollers and for once there was joy as children laughed and babies cried in surprise. Zima looked out over all the faces and her own problems seemed to fade. At least a bit. She would help them now, in any way she could. Homura II held up her hand a second time, and suppressed the sounds of the Childan with an aura of quiet. She spoke, rising higher as her spear extended further, and her voice reached farther. Her next words were instilled with purpose, and urged the Childan to heed them. [b][i]“These lands belong to Chailiss, and you will not find sanctity here. Arise, and prepare to depart. You must leave this realm of death, linger too long, and you will be consumed. There is a battle ahead, and I call upon warriors to stand with me now.”[/i][/b] To this came many more murmurs. “Where will we go?” “We would abandon our home?” “We have lost too many.” To this Shysie and Chilali shared looks and then the taller of the two, Chilali spoke with wisdom and sincerity. “Our mother is right, we cannot stay here! We must not linger in the dark where the cold will bite at us. You must go! For we Flamekeepers can never abandon our watch.” She turned to Homura. “I will spare every Keeper we can.” “Now hold on!” A male Childan sprain to the front. “We have warriors, we will fight for our home and the women. Let us do this!” Chilali shook her head. “We cannot have all our braves fight for us, some must go on to protect the others. You must.” “Please, let us help.” Another man stepped forth and then another. With heads bowed in shame did more add to this plea until at last another woman stepped forth. As tall as a cave bear, wielding a large copper hammer. She donned the pelts of lions, with a mane of white fur upon her shoulders. Her hair was raven dark and her gray eyes were fierce. “The tragedy of Lansa is the debt of all men. Leave with us three dozen of your best fighters. The rest will go with the women and children. So it is that our short spring fades to the end of all times. Yet smile, for the spring came anyway and with it, a future.” She placed a hand upon her stomach. Though what was underneath was obscured, all knew of what she spoke. “Wapeka, you are with child. You cannot stay here with us.” Chilali sprang forth to her. Wapeka eyed the woman, who was a full head shorter than her and chuckled. “Little Chilali. I have always fought for my people. I will not abandon you to such an end.” It was Shysie who spoke up next. “Wapeka, please see reason. She unwrapped the small bundle to reveal Rowan’s small face. Inquisitive blue eyes stared back at the Childan. Shysie held him up high. “This is the last of the Voiran’s! A people who lived to the west, utterly destroyed when…” She glanced at Zima, who went numb with panic. “When the great whirlwind struck! That is tragedy itself! So please,” She looked at Wapeka and held out the baby to her, “Think of this future and the one that not yet is but could be. There is no greater duty to our people, then carrying the next of our kind.” Wapeka handed her hammer to Chilali as she took the small baby in her hands. She seemed awkward with him at first, as if she knew not where to grab or hold him but eventually she got him into a position where Rowan could freely move within his bundle. He cooed as Wapeka looked at him and Shysie dismounted from the ship, placing a hand upon the taller woman. “He will need a mother. You are not abandoning us, brave Wapeka. You are ensuring our people’s survival and of the last Voiran.” Chilali looked upon Shysie with awe and a smirk upon her face as the great Wapeka nodded, pulling Rowan into the safety and warmth of her pelts. “So it is that little Shysie becomes the newest voice of reason. I shall go, carrying this memory with me in my heart.” She placed her own hand upon Shysie and squeezed. Zima remarked that the moment was inspiring yet all she could see were the dead faces of all those mortals she had murdered. They had had lives as complex and beautiful as this and she ruined them. She defiled them and they could never be as such again. All of the Childan’s looked to Homura once again and that was when the screaming started. Zima froze and then frantically looked at where it was coming from. Wapeka turned and scowled. “They’ve found us.” “We must hurry, please Spirit Mother, please!” Chilali turned to Homura as the rest of the Childan broke into a panic. Alarmed, Zima gave one look to Fear and then she was gone, into the direction of the screams and shouts. She could not allow anyone to die anymore. Not while she could do something! [hr] [b][i]“Warriors, defend those that cannot fight! Wapeka, lead the others and follow Skydancer.”[/i][/b] Homura II swiftly ordained, gesturing to the luminous vessel as it began to turn and face southward, before she strode towards the source of the screams accompanied by Fear. There came a flurry of activity as all moved to action with their respective tasks. Wapeka barked orders to those who could not fight and those that could, followed after the Spirit Mothers. While a few stayed back to protect the growing convoy. More wood was placed upon the flame as they passed, for it would light their way. Once the crowd had thinned and they were behind the band of warriors, the screaming had stopped. Now only replaced with a cold wind. There was no sign of Zima, not until a tree somewhere before them cracked and began to fall. There were shouts of alarm as many braced but the tree fell in another direction, with a resounding crash that shook the ground. They progressed onwards still, before a new noise came into being. Only audible at first to the demigod, then Fear. It was a strange note, almost with a vibrant feel but molded by death. The sounds of a fight came forth and something crashed into the tree next to them. Blackened by frost, it had once been a wolf but now the creature was misshapen with golden eyes. It looked at Fear and then lunged for her throat. Numerous spears of glittering ice burst forth from underneath it, swiftly impaling the baleful beast until it had been completely eviscerated, as Fear found herself fumbly halting. She had been surprised by the tentative touch of Homura pressing upon her mind through their connection, and suddenly recoiled. “I can fight for myself, so don’t do that…” She muttered both aloud and telepathically as they carried onwards, with Homura II not providing an answer in response. “Zima!” Fear called out with desperate weariness, already feeling the absence of Skydancer’s aura. More trees snapped and broke. The warriors with them prepared, arrows nocked and war clubs at the ready. They then came upon a scene of carnage as the broken trees gave way to a horrific view. The bodies of creatures, now blackened with frost like the wolf had been, were strewn about, impaled, torn limb from limbs, skewered and crushed. What once were wolves, lions, bears, eagles and more- now dead. The bodies of a few Childan lay amongst them. A final resting place. The stoic warriors around them said little and touched nothing as all opened up in their formation. In the distance, through the gnawing blizzard, was the vaguest shape of a fight. Zima fought back a horde of monsters, having taken to the form of ice. She still resembled the same wispy being she was, just much taller and more defined. The ice that composed such a form was more akin to water in how it moved and rippled across her features. She impaled foes with long claws, or impaled and crushed with icicles. Her newest opponent was none other than a Wehniek. The only distinguishing trait was that it held burning eyes instead of a dead gold like all the rest. It fought her, having subsumed the body of a panther. Frozen flesh ripped apart at the seams of fur and sinew, whilst long claws and fangs bit into her ice. Yet it seemed Zima wasn’t having any of this, and impaled the creature through its abdomen, legs, and finally its head. Then she did it again and again and again until it was forced to abandon its body. She growled, turning to the others as it flew to another body. Her voice was sharp as she pointed and yelled, “BURN IT!” Before she was again assaulted by the monsters. Somewhere in the violent wind, it sounded as if someone was humming. Rivers of pale fire poured forth from Homura II’s palm, and with her other hand she proceeded to toss Fear towards Zima before she turned to the Childan. [b][i]“Return to the others, only enemies remain here. Quickly; go now.”[/i][/b] She instructed in a firm voice as she strode backwards with her silver spear extending and dancing around her - into the battle on her way to join Zima and Fear. The Wehniek was destroyed with a bloodcurdling scream, causing many of the Childan to cover their ears. Confusion followed as many looked unsure of what to do or who to look to. Before any could react to the godling’s command, the humming grew louder, as if what produced it was approaching. Even Zima, who had caught Fear, gave pause as the afflicted animals backed away into the thicker, more obscuring wind. Then it became deadly apparent. It was a trap. Black arcs of lightning struck through the trees all around them, with no direction discernable. Their aims were true however, striking many of the Childan down. Even Zima was not spared as a bolt struck her left side. She spun and crashed to her knees, shielding Fear. Childan and Flamekeepers alike fired back with arrows and fire as more sought cover. [b][i]“Return to Skydancer!”[/i][/b] Homura II shouted as she transformed her silver spear into a towering shield, and summoned numerous luminous barriers of shining ice between the Childan and the cold darkness, creating a lone path where she stood and called to them. “She’s saying we’ve got to fall back!” Fear cried out, and held onto Zima. The black lightning struck the shield, creating a strange high pitched whine. But it did allow them enough time to gather themselves. The Childan began to retreat, dragging the wounded with them. Zima’s form fell to the wayside and she created a newer, smaller one, around the same size as Fear. She stood with her and said, “I know what she’s saying! Now come on!” Zima caught Fear’s hand within her own and pulled as they ran to Homura II. The lightning came so fast now there was barely any pause from the arcs hitting the wall. The whine became an unbearably high pitch. One that shattered Zima’s form. She became like the wind and instead wrapped herself around Fear for an even quicker escape. There was a blur of motion, as Homura II was suddenly beside them, and the demigoddess grasped Fear’s arm again. The Pearlescent Chains that had fused into the anxious champion’s armor were peeled away and fused into the shield Homura II held, before the demigoddess vanished with another surge of speed. “There must be something we can do!” Fear exclaimed with panic and pain at the sight of the wounded and fleeing. Bright flames coalesced around her as her spirit manifested, and though she moved more swiftly, it was with an almost aimless desperation that hindered her. “We’re always abandoning them…” She muttered in a mix of frustration and sorrow, looking at Zima with a lost expression. Zima was forced to let go of Fear, having to hold herself up by leaning next to a wall. “Too warm.” She murmured to Fear. “D-Don’t worry. This isn’t your fault. It’s mine. This was… An ambush.” Zima’s head tilted back down the long corridor to see the Childan fleeing. They would be safe, for now but too many had died. Zima stood as the high pitch never stopped. Now a boom exploded nearby, as if something had slammed into the walls that shielded them. The spirit looked to Fear. “The only thing we can do is fight. We took life, now we must protect it.” Something shattered. “Are you with me?” Fear nodded. What came through the chink of armor that was the walls was something unexpected. Zima paused, narrowing her brow, trying to understand just what she was looking at. Beings tall, dark as shadow and fair as the stars strode through with an uncanny step. Their hair, for all of them had hair, was a vibrant gold that seemed to glow softly. They wore nothing, for they had no discernible differences in gender. All of them looked the same, from their height, to their facial features. Unnaturally beautiful but gaunt, with striking electric golden eyes. Something that caught Zima’s eyes were their ears, knife-shaped, pointed. One of them lifted a finger towards the two of them and in a blink, the humming started as they ran with blinding speed towards them. If either of the two had blood pumping within them, their hearts would have been beating to the harmony of a dangerous revel. A revel of death. Zima barely had time to react, taking the form of ice again as a clawed hand tore into her ice with a deathly touch. She wanted to scream but instead it was anger that drove her to backhand the figure, or at least she tried to but its reflexes were too fast and it dodged, striking her and then another one descended upon her and did the same. They smiled silently at her, teeth too white and perfect, hungry for her destruction. She glanced at Fear and saw even more attacking her. Fear was grinning a sadistic smile back at her foes as Veil commanded her body and took delight in the sudden violence. She fought more fiercely, with no qualms in inflicting harm upon others, and took advantage of the restored connection to her sisters as she emulated their techniques and maneuvers. The difference between Fear and the rest of her sisters became apparent once more, as what she lacked in conviction and wisdom, she compensated with her incredible strength and agility. “I’ll protect you, Zima.” The much more vicious Fear growled, as she fought for her companion. Zima erupted in spikes, skewering one of her assailants, whilst the other dodged with a spiraling motion backwards. More flooded through the hole as other bits of the wall began to shatter under the onslaught. The Childan sections were still holding but it wouldn’t be long. They had to make a stand where they were. Zima shouted at Fear as she produced a shield and scythe of ice. “Remember not to lose yourself!” and then the fight started, for every handful of blows she received she could only land one on an assailant but it was usually fatal. She took no joy in it but it was strange. When one of them died, they made no sounds. No screaming, no yelling, no final words. They simply fell, bleeding a dark liquid flaked with gold. They attacked her even when they had no limbs or were almost certainly moments from death. Their humming was a chorus that she wasn’t even certain they were physically causing. It was unnatural and propelled them forward as the bodies began to mount upon that darkening snow. “I cannot mourn for them.” Fear said, as her Black Gauntlet was thrust through the skull of her foe, and she began using the spasming body as both a bludgeon and shield against her other opponents. Her spiritual flames were fluctuating, flickering weakly before bursting with vehemence, as the cycle repeated again and again. She was smeared in gore, and staggering back and forth like a whirlwind of destruction, tearing apart corpses as she savagely lashed out. “I cannot mourn for them.” Fear said, and yet visible were the tears that trailed across her bloodstained cheeks as she wept for her slain kin. [b][i]“Do not halt! Return to the others, return to Skydancer!”[/i][/b] Homura II’s voice echoed throughout the incandescent passage, infused with cosmic clarity that washed over the Childan and temporarily quieted the terrifying hum. The demigoddess appeared sporadically to aid the wounded with her healing powers, and protect those that were pursued by the hostile horde. As the hum quieted so did their foes grow far slower. It became easier for Zima to combat them, and they were beginning to make real ground back to the others. Then came the monstrous animals, leaping over corpses with little abandon. Worse yet, the very ground shook as great tusked beasts trumpeted like the sounds of a demon. Matted fur was torn asunder, giving way to darkened flesh. They charged forth being ridden by more of the dark ones and along with them came no longer a hum but a quiet and defiant song. The words were meaningless but it was abundantly clear, one of them was singing. Zima shouted for Fear to come to her as the lethargic dark ones began to animate once again. They were growing close, so close she could see the raging of Flamekeepers as they fought against the same foes. Fire, hot and bright illuminated the world in a red haze. Fear dashed towards Zima as the remaining flames of her spirit dispersed, and she glanced back and forth between what lay ahead and what loomed behind. Her frightened features revealed it was Fear and not Veil that was in possession of her body, but she spoke with Pride’s voice. “It’s still not enough. We can neither flee nor fight.” Another voice resonating with divine authority came from the collection of Childan gathered around Skydancer. [b][i]“Is this what you wish for? Do you not wish for life? Then let the enemy hear the roar of your fiery hearts!”[/i][/b] Accompanying the words were streaks of emerald fire that joined the inferno of the Flamekeepers. Homura II continued to focus on escorting the Childan, as she slowly lingered behind and hindered the baleful beasts and behemoths with obscuring columns of bright fire and towers of radiant ice. [b][i]“You shall not have them!”[/i][/b] She called out to the horde. “No! We can always fight!” Zima exclaimed to Fear. “Do not give into despair! Remember why we do this, remember why we can’t give up. For them, Fear. For them!” Zima roared, taking the form of ice and growing tall. As tall as the beasts. Her shield became a tower, as thick as the trunks of trees and her scythe became a sword. She met the first behemoth with a ferocious assault of glancing ice and bulky weight but with a quick thrust, she pierced the things head and it slumped over, shaking the ground as it did. The dark ones began to chip away at her feet and Zima cried out for Fear. Fear lunged towards the nearest enemy that stood between her and Zima, as flames enveloped her again, granting her the strength to sunder them. Before she reached Zima, Homura II intervened as the demigoddess leapt onto the ice spirit’s head, placing her palm upon Zima’s crown. The shifting symbols of the Gnosis spread along Zima’s body, until her frozen form was almost completely covered. The attacks of the dark ones below became harmless as their claws passed through Zima’s feet. [b][i]“We cannot surrender to despair.”[/i][/b] Homura II affirmed, before she leapt again and fought their foes elsewhere leaving Zima with the limited protection of her spell. Fear continued to clash with those imposed between her and Zima, calling out as she came closer and closer. It seemed to be working. They were fighting back the endless tide of beast and monster, the two identities fading into one. Zima bashed her shield against the face of another behemoth, shattering its tusks and sending it to the ground, where she dealt the killing blow. But before long the lethargic nature of the dark ones was overcome with a final push of their hauntingly eerie song. Whoever sang, trilled a final note that tore away the dampening of the humming, letting it surge forth like a river after a downpour. Worse, the song did not stop, it added its own melody to the chorus of chaotic revelry. The dark ones grew more frenzied, smiles growing wide as if in some insane delight overtook them. Worse, even the beasts seemed to fight stronger and harder. More sporadic but just as deadly. Arcs of black lightning began to hit Zima and though the first volley was harmless, the second she began to feel like tiny pricks. Thinking fast, Zima assaulted another behemoth, driving her spear into its head with a sickening crunch of ice upon bone. There she left it and slammed her shield into the ground. She exploded her form, sending shards of ice in every direction except the Childan’s and Fear. Then Zima flew to Fear, grabbed her and went back behind the shield. "Don't let any past!" She yelled out, slipping to the other side where more behemoths, beasts and dark ones came. She called upon the blizzard itself and those ferocious winds. She became those winds and like a gale of spontaneous power, she blew upon their foes. The effect was immediate, as they slowed even in their unnatural speed as her gusts whipped at them, sending shards of ice and even bodies like a volley towards the shambling horde. The singing and humming were almost silenced at the sheer strength of her wind but maybe that was only because she was nothing else at that moment. She just had to buy time. She had to. There was suddenly another intense burst of bright emerald flames, cacophonous and immense as the shimmering storm engulfed the center of where the Childan had encircled Skydancer. A colossal shifting silhouette began to arise from the remnants of the blazing fire until swiftly the undulating shadow that emerged was shaped into an elongated and broad luminous vessel that possessed similar aspects of Skydancer with its ornate and bejeweled aesthetic as it serenely hovered in the air, but with a prominent difference in its functional design. The reforged ship possessed a massive entrance built into the back, accessible via an inclined slope that slowly lowered itself to the ground close to the Childan. The second divine voice resounded throughout the fields again, suffused with power and haste, before it was combined with the kindred voice of Homura II as the two of them both repeatedly chanted over the battle. [b][i]“Take shelter in the Ark!”[/i][/b] The Childan obeyed as the world around them crashed into discord. Flamekeepers surged forth, providing walls of flame and projectiles as the battle waged on. More and more behemoths, ridden by the dark ones approached from all directions and those that Zima battered against were still pushing forward, trailed by the dark ones as they used the massive bulk of the creatures as a windbreak. Frustration hit Zima but there was little more she could do. The song being sung was reaching its peak, even the spirit could hear it now. There was no escaping its violent rhythm. And then something happened she thought impossible. As the song reached a crescendo, something exploded from the depths of the far trees and flew against her wind. It was small, so small that only the best sight could have even noticed it. A golden dart that cut through her wind and pricked her form. Zima gasped and pulled it out. As she did it melted into a vile substance and blew away in the wind. She felt fine but the song was beginning anew, this time different and somehow deeper. She turned to Fear and thrust one last time, sending spikes of ice to skewer the attackers. She then bolted, grabbing Fear and making a mad dash towards the Ark, now protected by a row of Flamekeepers. “Whatever happens… don’t leave me.” Fear whispered to Zima as she was pulled along, before the two of them reached the throng of remaining Childan still being shepherded by Homura II and the Flamekeepers. Numerous structures and walkways could be seen within the Ark through the entrance as they approached, with the interior being spacious enough for all of them and many more. Standing upon one of the smaller structures close to the entrance was another Herald of Honor wielding the green-fire, and calling out instructions to the Childan. “I… I wouldn’t.” Zima murmured to Fear as they landed down upon the top of the large ramp. The last of the Childan stragglers arrived on deck and all those that remained were the Flamekeepers and their Eternal Flame. They fought with a brilliance that dazzled Zima. Their conviction in the face of such demise was true bravery but Zima could not help but reel in the face of it all and she knew, deep down, they wouldn’t be coming. She saw Shysie down at the bottom cradling a woman with a deep gash across her chest. With her hand firmly grasping Fear’s she ran down the ramp. The enemy came further, their speed cutting down more keepers. A sense of urgency overtook Zima and as they arrived before Shysie, they could see who she cradled- Chilali. “Shysie!” Zima breathed. ‘I’m so sorry. For everything but we have to go now.” An ashen face looked up at them. Her cheeks stained with tears, Shysie lamented, “Then go. I will die with my sisters, as any keeper would.” She touched foreheads with Chilali and rose, turning away. “But…!” Zima exclaimed as a fiery explosion engulfed the foreground. A keeper had made the ultimate sacrifice. ‘There are no buts, spirit daughter. Go on, keep my people safe. Defeat the death in the north and remember us.” Shysie said, turning her head to face them. Her eyes glowed with a blue fire. “Shysie…” Zima wanted to cry. “Tell Mair the child is safe. Tell her… I loved her.” Shysie turned and marched off into the chaos, joining her sisters in battle. Her fire burned hot and true, blazing blue rivulets escaped her fingertips as she hoisted her arms to unleash a powerful torrent of flame, burning a behemoth in its tracks. Zima began to walk forward but the heat gave her pause and she turned to Fear, head low. “We must honor their sacrifice.” She said in a shaky voice, pulling her back up the ramp and onto the deck. “We will.” Fear replied quietly afterwards, as the Ark began to ascend when the entrance sealed itself, and the noise of battle could only be faintly heard. “We should find Wapeka and Rowan.” The anxious champion continued, as nearby Homura II started to sort the Childan and tend to the wounded, while the other identical demigoddess gave a brief speech regarding love and support in times of disaster before venturing elsewhere on the ship. Zima stopped in her step and placed a hand upon the wall, strangely she could touch it but it was quickly lost on her as she felt a wave of fatigue overwhelm her. She clutched the wispy cloth at her chest, letting go of Fear. “Just… Give me a moment, please.” She asked, forcing a smile. She slumped her back against the wall and buried her head in her hands. A few tears came but her thoughts prevented her from thinking about anything else. It was overwhelming and she felt as if her entire world was spinning. Her very chest hurt, she knew not if it was physical or something else. She just felt sick, could she even get sick? Fear was silent and still, simply standing beside her before she shifted and struggled to speak for a moment. She slowly reached out towards Zima, reluctant to be apart. Zima’s hand found hers, bringing a moment of clarity in an ocean of conflict. Like a rock, she clung desperately to the one she had heart over and over again. It still made her sick, the very fact Fear needed comfort from her and she knew she was so selfish to accept it. But now… Fear was all she had left. Mish was… Somewhere out in the storm. Her father had become a monster and everyone else she had known was dead. Zima buried her face into Fear’s chest and wept. Fear barely suppressed her sorrow, becoming rigid and letting her own tears trail silently down her cheeks to blend with all of the black and golden blood she was stained with. “Stay with me.” She said as she held onto Zima, after glancing away from the sight of the Childan and Homura II. Her hands quivered, and she clung to Zima tightly. A distant explosion sounded far away, yet the shockwave hit Skydancer, rocking the ship for a brief moment. It dawned upon them that the last light in the north had faded. The Flamekeepers sacrificed themselves so they could all escape. There was nothing greater than that; the duty for a people. But now the dark had truly come, bringing cold and the end of all things. There seemed to be no hope. Yet, both Zima and Fear took solace in the smallest of truths; They had each other and in that moment, it was all that mattered. [hider=Summary] Homura II, Zima, Fear, and Shysie arrive in the North and find the remaining Childan. An ambush occurs, and folks are fleeing from the cold darkness. Another demigoddess comes and transforms Skydancer, then the last of the Flamekeepers perish to protect those escaping the North. [/hider] [hider=Vigor] Homura II =10 Desire =10 -10 (5 due to demigod penalty) to shift Skydancer into an immense ark, greatly increasing its storage capacity and resilience. [/hider] [hider=Spirit] Fear =6 -2 to empower herself for her fight to protect life. -2 to prolong her enhanced strength and agility throughout the extended battle. +4 Zima =24 -2 To do some cool powerups +4 =26 [/hider] [hider=Prestige] The Sacred Septet -3 to proliferate hope among the Childan; in times of woe and catastrophe, people will come together and help each other. United, they can endure. +2 The Order of the Phoenix +2 The Flamekeepers 7 Prestige +2 [/hider]