[@OwO] [color=00aeef]"How did she look like?"[/color] Xiao Shan hummed as she placed a hand under her chin, listening to the man's words carefully and reading between the line. She doubts whatever he did was actually legal nor righteous but it is what it is. Though what caught her attention the most was the usage of poison. That definitely fits the works of the Tang family, though whether this one was in isolation or exiled is outside of her knowledge. Patting both knees as she stood up, towering over the man and lifting him to his feet with barely any effort. [color=00aeef]"Well,"[/color] She looked to where he came from earlier. [color=00aeef]"Here? Lead the way back."[/color] [color=00aeef]"You are coming for your boys, right?"[/color] Xiao Shan tilted her head to the opening of the bush, waiting for a moment before heading out. Not really caring if the person followed her or not, right now, finding this Tang mad woman is far more fun and interesting. So with that, Xiao Shan traced back the steps. It wasn't particularly difficult either since he was more focused on running and thereby, left quite the trail. Getting closer and sniffing the air carefully, she adjusted the grip on her club and let it rest on her shoulder instead of it being used as a walking stick.