[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/B7KsN1D.png[/img][/center] [hr] [b]Locations: Relouse - > The Archbishop's Residence[/b] [hr] [color=1A7811]”Nobody here has seen him either.”[/color] Tristan closed the door to the pub behind him before rejoining Misha back on the street. The two Rezaindians pulled their hoods up to shield against the drizzle pouring from overhead and began traveling to the next most likely spot. They were in search of their master Gerard, who they were unable to rendezvous with after getting cut off by the Eskandr. The two apprentices had fled back behind the walls some time before he was defeated by Thorunn Silverhair. They were at this moment unaware of his fate. [color=902EBD]”He had to have made it back. Maybe he’s helping to dispose of the bodies. We should check outside again.”[/color] Misha clasped her hands nervously in front of her. Her colleague shook his head. [color=1A7811]”Come on, we were out there since the sun came up. We would be wasting our time.”[/color] [color=902EBD]”Well we’ve searched every gathering place in Relouse! The only option we have left is to start searching individual households!”[/color] The stress of the search was starting to show on Misha’s face. Her breath quickened as anxiety threatened to overwhelm her. [color=902EBD]”Master Castellooo! Where are you!”[/color] She cried into the air, startling several passerby. The young woman lost the will to stand and collapsed to her knees, trying unsuccessfully to hold back the tears. Tristan watched helplessly as his partner quietly sobbed into her hands, unsure of how to comfort her. [color=F92D00]”By the gods, if you keep screaming like that, you’ll finish the job that Eskandr bitch started!”[/color] A familiar voice shouted nearby. The two acolytes turned their heads to find their master leaned against the side of a house, hidden under the shade of its thatch rooftop. The older mage let out a silent yawn as he stretched his tired arms, having been woken up by his noisy apprentice. [color=902EBD]”Master!”[/color] [color=1A7811]”Master!”[/color] Gerard was too weak to stand up and thus couldn’t avoid the arms of his students. The two squeezed him into a group hug that threatened to crack his freshly healed ribs, causing him to grunt in pain. He didn’t mind that much. After staring death in the face twice, the pain was proof that he was alive. The three of them had made it through the first and possibly deadliest battle in the entire war. By Echeran’s mercy they survived, and that at least was something worth celebrating. Gerard’s mouth turned up into a smile - He grabbed his students’ robes and pulled them closer. [hr] After a full day of magical therapy from his loyal follower Tristan, Gerard was once again in fighting shape. He would have to be, for today he had been summoned by the king himself to the home of the Archbishop. Why he had been called for he did not know, for he had failed at everything he tried to do during the defense of Relouse. Were they that impressed by his ability to get thrown around by Force mages? The Rezaindian master did not let self depreciation stay his feet. Gerard stopped in front of the door and addressed his apprentices. [color=F92D00]”Wait here. I will be back shortly.”[/color] Upon entering the Archbishop’s residence, he got down on his knees and pressed his forehead against the floor. After paying his respects, Gerard quickly made his way to the meeting place as instructed. Twenty five seats were arranged around a circular red table, with the king and queen of Parrence sitting on opposite ends of it. A couple other warriors had already taken their places as well. Gerard recognized the armored giant hovering near King Arcel but did not know his name. Using the king as a reference point, he took the 9 o’ clock position at the table and seated himself quietly. More soldiers shuffled in until the table was completely full, some words were exchanged, and then Arcel and Eleanor delivered their briefing. Gerard smirked with delight at the idea of destroying the barbarian’s capital city. [color=F92D00][i]Setting a bunch of wooden shacks ablaze sounds like child’s play for a half decent Arcanist. [b]Now[/b] I understand why his Majesty called me here.[/i][/color]