[center][img]https://images2.imgbox.com/fb/8a/tSpumbUH_o.png[/img][/center] [hr] By the end of it all she and the person who decided to carry her eventually found their way into the chapel proper where they were both given reprieve. As they sat they spoke, trading what little words they could all the while. Little was gained in understanding as duty interjected. He was still required to fight off other man-beasts and she would lend her aid to the injured, mending those wounded in the field of battle. When evening rolled around the destruction was great but the fighting ceased. All was settled and all was quiet. The rain had doused the man-beast's attempts at burning both structure and tree leaving not but faint marks and echoes of whence the flame once remained. As for little Nettle she took refuge in this very structure, sneaking off into some lonesome corner and hiding herself against the terrain. In a bed of stone, shadow and cold she coiled up and rested. _ Much later into the next day a drowsy Nettle rose from her slumber, undisturbed for none others could find her concealed form. She had slept long into the day for she had exhausted herself thoroughly the day prior. Looking up she saw the rays of the glorious Heron's Nest beaming down through the holes left in the roof of this artificial cave. The air smelt fresh, purified by the rain's touch. If it weren't for the very fact she woke up here of all places she'd of wondered if the day prior was naught but a nightmare brought upon by too much worry of man-beast's cruelty. She was roused from her introspection when someone approached her. They spoke in words she was unfamiliar with and it simply left her confused. Eventually they clued in that she could not understand them and simply motioned for her to follow so she did. _ Now she stood in a large structure, like the last one but with a big ornate wooden log the man-beasts all sat around. They were all speaking at length in words foreign to her so she stood by, waiting out of the way of foot traffic until somebody else motioned for her to follow. One thing was for sure however: She had no idea why she was still here. Hadn't they already stopped the aggressive other man-beasts?