[center][color=FFCE00][h2][u]The Soft Haven Bounty House[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [center][sub]14th of the Full Autumn Moon, 1698 P.A. Mid morning - Clear Skies[/sub][/center] [center][sub][@Hero][@Trainerblue192][@Obscene Symphony][@Scribe of Thoth][@McMolly][/sub][/center] Cerric clapped his hands together in delight as one of the newcomers engaged with him. [color=skyblue] “That we do! When we finally decided on this beautiful locale, the residents of Soft Haven were quick to bend our ears with tales of The Rancor of Morn Og. As I’m sure you will recall, the Siege of Soft Haven raged for nearly a week before the arriving forces of Finnagund bravely broke their ranks and cut down their leaders in barely half a day. Morn Og was the orc leader of this army of curs and when the commander of the royal forces cut him clean in twain, Morn Org’s dying breath was a curse imbued with so much loathing and hatred, it gave birth to a demon.”[/color] Through the story, Cerriac made simple gestures with his hands, bubbling water swirling together between them to create vague silhouettes of the scenes he described. [color=skyblue] “Everyone gave us a different detail: more eyes than a spider, more teeth than a shark, more claws than a wolf, all tucked into the body of a massive stag trailing the stench of burned flesh and rot.”[/color] The water warped into the likeliness of such a creature and then froze at Cerric’s command, the ice sculpture in his palm. [color=skyblue] “Of course, Katya took to the tale like a fish to water. She’s been hunting this beast since we first heard of it. A tale tale indeed but there is power in stories, true or not. As our hired labor came in, we kept constant watch. A few claw marks here and there, spooked a few men away alright, but nothing more than that.”[/color] Cerric offered up the sculpture for Ceolfric to take, even as it started to drip. [color=skyblue] “So the short of it is yes, we are aware of it but no, we are not concerned. While we’ve never seen it, It’s made little more than threatening gestures and should it decide to take a more aggressive approach, Katya will finally have the opportunity to rend it limb from limb with all the gusto of a gluttony at a feast!”[/color] Cerric finished brightly, addressing Eila next[color=skyblue] “But by all means, my Lady, please share your worries. You look as if you’ve seen a ghost!”[/color] [color=B3FB95]“Classification of aetherborn. If you plan to take some of the better paying opportunities, I recommend you educate yourself on the basics of aetherborn. A better understanding of your skills will serve well to increase your chances of survival.”[/color] Aleka commented as he wrote, his words entirely without inflection. [color=B3FB95] “Liliann Storyborn, Asvari in race, no kin to speak of, storyteller, and another Dranirian. A Genisian Aetherborn. I would recommend Lady Silvantris as a potential mentor but she finds those in your profession exhausting on a good day. On a bad one, you may very well find your clothes trying to strangle you.”[/color] Aleka turned his attention to Kyreth as he carefully blotted Liliann’s page dry. [color=B3FB95] “Another Asvari, I see. Your name, if I may, and an elaboration on the details of your partnership.”[/color] Aleka stated as dipped his quill in his inkwell.