It was the small things that annoyed Ingrid sometimes - the atmospheric pressure gauge in her cockpit had been broken for some time. The [i]Ostroc's[/i] designers made the strange choice to install it analogue in what was otherwise a decently advanced equipment suite. Made it very hardy and unlikely to suffer in feedback, made finding the replacement parts a nightmare. It broke sometime during her first engagement with the Green Knights, and not once had they found a way to fix it. It was redundant anyway; the atmosphere's composition was often one of the first things you'd read about a planet before going into an operation. You had about the same effect by cutting out the line from the briefing's print-outs and taping it over the gauge anyway. It still annoyed Ingrid. She was out of it and she knew it, the knife-sharp wit she was brought up to exhibit being too dull to cut. She tried to focus and focus hard as the rest of the group called up and offered their readies - ultimately resorting to a quick hit to her own neurohelmet to get the fog out. [color=SteelBlue]"Giggles, your answer is to aim for the first in line,"[/color] she said with clear reservation. Ultimately, no she couldn't come up with an answer that satisfied her own sensibilities and her standing orders. [color=SteelBlue]"If one truck breaks down in front, the rest will be thrown into disarray - we will engage and demand surrender. If they do not capitulate, you act as you see fit. Keep your eyes skyward, though - air support won't be far behind."[/color] A half-assed compromise that was going to make things worse in the end, even if it was just common sense. She turned off the line for a moment to grumble to herself. [color=SteelBlue]"On my mark, Steel Rain fires - the rest will move upward, and I want Family Man to close-in to the end of the convoy to keep stragglers from escaping that way. Close enough to threaten, not close enough to trip mines. Alleycat, Desperado, move with me to encircle the column, and your first priority should be taking out their escort and defenses. The runners are your second priority. Giggles holds the rear and engages targets as opportunity provides."[/color] She took a moment of pause. By her count, just a little bit more needed to give the tankers the time to prepare...the tension in her head grew in the silence. [color=SteelBlue]"On my mark..."[/color] The [i]Ostroc[/i] leaned forward into running posture. She took in a sharp breath. [color=SteelBlue]"Mark!"[/color]