>Been playing Worldbox recently. Had to usher in a nuclear holocaust just to stop the MUSH spore infection from overrunning every kingdom on the planet. I've a screenshot of the map below. A massive human empire occupied the continent in the northwestern corner, elves occupied the islands and such to the south, and dwarves occupied the lands to the east just below the orcs, who occupied the northeastern corner of the world. I started the infection in the dwarven lands, and it soon spread via ship to the humans and then the elves. The shroomies also overtook their orc neighbors as well, infecting them and swelling their fungal ranks. Now the only kingdom left is a small dwarven one, holding onto what little hope remains in the blighted wastes of a post-shitake world... [hider=Aftermath] [img]https://i.imgur.com/4zO3Gcr.jpg[/img] [/hider]