[color=silver][center][sub][code]R Y A N M A Y E Z[/code][/sub][/center] [sub][code]T I M E :[/code] Sunset[/sub] [sub][code]L O C A T I O N : [/code] Hinode Wild Birds Sanctuary Nature Park[/sub] [sub][code]I N T E R A C T I O N S: [/code] None[/sub] [sub][code]M E N T I O N S: [/code] Riku Azuma [@JDubs] Brian MacPherson [@BenG85][/sub][hr] [color=89cff0]"What’s that guy doing?”[/color] Ryan asked in a hushed whisper to Terriermon, but instead of a response, the Digimon shook his head lightly before resuming a stuffed animal-like appearance. Ryan let out a soft sigh. The bird sanctuary was beautiful and serene. However, there was some weirdo and a camera filming every nook and cranny of the place. [color=89cff0]“What a creep,”[/color] Ryan mumbled in another whisper. He even looked a bit older than her. He was probably an adult. [color=89cff0][i]What a loser! Shouldn’t he be working an actual job or something?[/i][/color] [color=89cff0]“Are you sure it’s here?”[/color] Ryan asked quietly again and looked back over at the cemetery. There was some man coming this way. Ryan hugged tightly on Terriermon, who was gently affirming this was the place with a an almost inaudible, [color=a1f4bd][i]yes.[/i][/color] She was surrounded by weirdos. [color=89cff0]“Okay then,”[/color] she whispered and continued walking inside the sanctuary. The serenity was breathtaking (aside from the jabbering man with the video camera). A small wind was blowing through the leaves, and the setting sun was casting purple and gray shadows into the grass. She stopped walking to admire the view. However, as much as Ryan wanted to enjoy the moment, it was reminding her of how it was getting dark, and how she was alone with two strange [i]grown men[/i]. Who even came to bird sanctuaries and cemeteries at night? [i]Creeps.[/i] [color=89cff0]“If either of these two creeps try anything weird, you have my permission to blast at them.”[/color] [color=a1f4bd]“I’d never let them lay a finger on you, Ryan,”[/color] Terriermon assured her quietly. [color=89cff0]“Good,”[/color] Ryan drew in a deep breath and took a step forward. Despite being in the city, she could smell the greenery, and it was refreshing. However as she slowly made her way through the sanctuary, Terriermon began wiggling. Her arms hugged tightly around the Digimon. [color=89cff0]“What is it?”[/color] [color=a1f4bd]“Ryan, there’s another Digimon here… several…”[/color] Terriermon looked around with his eyes. [color=a1f4bd] “Where that guy is pointing his camera.”[/color] Ryan stopped a walking. Her eyes followed the camera’s angle. [color=89cff0][i]More Digimon? Here?[/i][/color] It explained why Terriermon felt so strongly about coming here. It might also explain some of the unusual news surrounding this place. [color=89cff0][i]This guy literally has no idea what he’s doing.[/i][/color] She had no intention of talking to him or getting his attention by accident. So, she stood there, holding Terriermon and watching the man foolishly make his video, while her shadow merged with the surrounding area.[/color]