[h1]Ivan[/h1] A fire lit up in Ivan's eyes when he saw another one of the files the witch skimmed over. The file seemed to be about a girl, looking to be about nine or ten, innocently playing on one of the swings of some playground. An Innocent...and another one of these Outcasts' victims. [color=#ffdf00]"Back in my day..."[/color] He muttered, hunching over in his seat and hitting his fist loudly on the office table. [color=#ffdf00]"Outcasts were people who were on the receiving end of usually poor judgement, not doing the cruel judging themselves!"[/color] Usually, Ivan wouldn't care about judgement in the slightest, and would try to get money from anyone no matter [i]what[/i] he thought of them. But, when the victim of biased judging is an Innocent? ...Well, these so-called "Outcasts" had hell to pay now, that was for certain.