Thanks for coming! I'm flattered by your interest, so I'll try to convey who I am as entertainingly as possible. A decade ago I was an active forum role-player. But then university, jobs, stress, that darn Steam account--lots of complications slowly eroded the amount of time I spent writing with others. That leaves me a few years out of practice for cooperative writing now; but it also leaves me a decade wiser (or at least more experienced, though I hope some of that has become wisdom). And I couldn't leave writing entirely alone for any length of time! I just worked on personal projects between monotonous work shifts. And I read. Lots of web novels. Lots of ideas, some of which were done very well and some of which taught me what not to do. Research, if you will! Now, however, I find myself wishing to share a project with someone(s). I miss that social aspect of writing that forums offer and a secret google doc doesn't. I want the chatting, the plotting, the 'Oo! How about [i]this![/i]' sharing with a partner or three. So it's a pleasure to let you meet me. Hope I'll see you around. Ideally in the following places: -Small group -High fantasy -LitRPG/Progression fantasy -Parody/satire on overly-popular genres (Isekai, Villainess Noble Girls, Monster Evolution) Not that these are the only places I spend thinking time, just the most recent and common. Wishing you the best, and remember: whatever your story, it's gonna be writ.