"Y-y-you...!" She'd been trying to be mature and comfort the Queen, only to have her hair ruffled like she was a little child!? And that embarrassing comment...! The pout on Fio's lips likely didn't help with that childish impression, as the petite little Witch folded her arms across her chest in irritation. But the mood changed once again, as Sorcha discussed her feelings on attempting to live up to the King. Regardless of her true nature, it was difficult to feel that those sentiments were anything but genuine. Fio couldn't deny them. Besides, they really did have an important duty to attend to at the moment. Further stories could wait. Fio reached out, allowing herself to be pulled to her feet, her delicate little hand in the Queen's as she brushed herself off lightly. She was about to offer more words of comfort, when- "D-Drunken tryst?! I-Idiot! F-fool! U-Unfit Royal!" It should have come to no surprise that her sword materialized almost instantly, the flat swinging down to smack the Queen squarely on the head. [@Rune_Alchemist]