Location: Southern Giants Rest Late Night [@FrogRFlowR] [hr] “Ice ‘em, Shabbi!” At the tuatha’s command, the Mammoth raised its legs just as ‘Annagan’ wrestled with the creatures tusks, having been shoved back quite some distance from the creatures sheer force. “I don’t know what this beast is capable of, but-” Shabbi raised her trunk, a wall of frigid arctic wind blew from the creatures nostrils, flash freezing not only the air but the ground under the Bandit as his legs became trapped in ice. “-you pathetic creature-!” “Now [i]Trample![/i]” As this was happening, Niall had found a safe place right beside the Tuatha who would also bring Gabriel along the mammoth’s back right as Shabbit would wrestle her tusks out from Annagan’s grip. With a trumpeting call, the Mammoth raised its legs and slammed them into the ground. Immediately similar to how his own axe had done before, the ground under the mammoth erupted in a cold shower of earth and ice, crystalline structures of frigid ice slamming upwards from the ground and rushing towards Annagan. “Too easy.” The bandits leader hefted his hammer - and slammed it right down onto the oncoming crystalline, striking it head on…and immediately creating a thick, snowy fog by which for Niall and the others to escape under. “...ah. Smarter than they look.” “Oh dear, you let them get away, muscle brain.” “Shut it, I didn’t see you helping.” “Eh? And waste my precious experiments fighting that Beast Kin? Nah. Not worth it. Just wait until tomorrow though, I’ll have finished what you want , heh.” And so Niall would head back to the Fortress under the cover of dark, reaching it at some point in the early morning. Try as he might, he could not convince the Tuatha to return to the castle with them, mentioning something about needing to head back home and make sure his family was safe or something or the other. Also checking in with some Cecillia person who apparently went to the mountains to look for something. Regardless, Gabriel and Niall would arrive back and have about six hours for some rest before they needed to meet Sorcha in the meeting room. [@Pyromania99] [hr] “Mhm, okay…I’ll help getting dressed again.” Sucaria would then proceed to help luna dress in some comfy, rather high quality night gown and Luna was unable to get a word in edge wise as her maid proceeded to once again, possibly manhandle her into getting dressed and all washed and clean. Once done, instead of guiding Luna into her own bed in the barracks, Sucaria instead pulled the knight into her bed in the servants quarters. The next morning, Luna would wake, head pressed firmly against Sucaria’s chest as the maid was sleeping soundly…it’d be cute, if not for the trickle of blood running out of the corner of her mouth in typical fashion. Regardless, she should probably head to the meeting room to meet Sorcha and the others for a strategy meeting. [@VitaVitaAR][@FrogRFlowR][@Pyromania99] [hr] And Sorcha’s response to being bonked again was merely to laugh all the way down to the strategy hall. It was early morning, the sun just rising over the hill. The morning sounds of the garrison and soldiers stationed here going through their training drills and guard routines. Leo’s voice was one of the loudest as he personally instructed the drills for the men while Gabriel shuffled into the room looking quite bedraggled and tired as though he didn’t spend the time after getting home actually sleeping. Sorcha stood at the table of the same strategy room the knights had met at only yesterday evening. She had called Niall in early to help draw out a map of the area in relation to the bandits stronghold and the rest of the area, as well as hopefully give an accurate enough description of the bandit base itself. [color=fff79a][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHnQ_m7eWDw]“Good, you’re all here. Then we’ll start.”[/url][/color] Sorcha wasted no time in getting started. No pleasantries. No formalities. There was only a slightly oppressive, authoritarian feeling hanging over the room. Sorcha herself stood straight, eyes burning with forceful determination. [color=fff79a]“Our objective and goal here is simple. The complete and utter annihilation of these brigands that dare to threaten the peace of the Lightsword territory and by extension…my, territory. Gabriel…what did you get out of our prisoner?”[/color] “Uh, about that…” Gabriel replied with a frown. “...we didn’t get much. The bastard didn’t talk much, but I have something I’d like to talk with you about in private after this is over with.” [color=fff79a]“...I see, well what did you get?”[/color] “Only that they seem to be allied with some fomorians, but that’s nothing new.” [color=fff79a]“That is about as useful as you flirting with me on the battlefield yesterday.”[/color] “Ahaha Queen Sorcha I would never-” He’d glance to the side, making a point of avoiding Luna’s gaze. [color=fff79a]“But fine. I’ll see you after we finish this. Now then, Niall…your report? You briefed me somewhat already, but I want to confirm this for everyone - you rescued a red-haired Tuatha that rode a mammoth from the bandits last night?”[/color]