[quote=@souleaterfan320] I will throw this bit in here: The concept of true invulnerability doesn't exactly exist in this roleplay, considering that there are characters in this role play could be considered well past 'gods' and 'deities' of any kind. Also keep in mind, shinji is using a weapon from his demi-god powers. [/quote] >I get that, but the concept of invulnerability in Supernatural is kind of like Superman level. Archangels have specific weaknesses that can bypass it, like another Archangel of sufficient strength or power beating the crap out of them, something we see when Alternate Michael goes to the main universe and absolutely owns both Lucifer and Gabriel. Hell, even God and the Darkness in the setting can be killed with enough effort, or weakened, or have weaknesses to things. It just becomes rather unfeasible for a mortal to do anything to them naturally. >The reason I bring it up though is, again, I'm trying to determine whether or not the scythe would actually do much damage on its own. The decay sure, that's basically a supernatural effect, but the weapon itself I wasn't sure on. If it is a result of supernatural power though, then I'd say it could do damage and maybe cause some pain, though it wouldn't be anything Lucifer's regeneration couldn't handle. And so far as he's concerned you'd need something on the level of an Archangel Blade to kill him weapon wise.