Happy Sunday from the cargo bay! It's been a good week of posting. Quill, Imani, and Yijun have all been shown aboard. There are some JP's brewing that I'm aware of, all of which involve our intrepid Captain and featuring Quill, Imani, and Abby in turn. And then, out of the blue comes our new pilot! Welcome aboard [@Herald] and his character, Tommy Pearson! All in all, a happy day for China Doll and her crew. So of course, your humble hosts are gonna mess that up. Cap'n's going to call an all hands meeting to talk about our next run and pick brains as to how we pull it off. All you passengers will be in on it, 'cuz a quick look about shows we're a might short handed. Writers can expect to see a link to a Gdoc as early as Monday night, 8/1. Game Time: China Doll touched down Tuesday night at midnight. Cal is planning for her to stay put Wednesday through Friday, with a departure Saturday at 3PM. As the plot unfolds you'll see that there are opportunities for every character to participate. This also leaves plenty of leeway for individual character subplots to develop. (This is the part where I chant the mantra about your friendly game hosts being more than happy to help your characters grow their individual subplots. Be sure to rattle our cage if there's any support we can offer as you tell your stories.) All our gaming fun aside, let's all send best wishes and good karma to [@Xandrya], who is on the verge of becoming a new mom! We'll keep you posted as we learn the latest. WWIF, Wolf and Sail