[hr][center][h3][u][b][Undercity - Stoneworks Interior][/b][/u][/h3][/center] [center][A Chaotix14 / XianaEvermor Collaboration][/center][hr] ID fell into file behind them, sometimes lagging behind to look intently at something in the market. Occasionally she'd stop, and her eyes would track something out in the void that was probably just out of sight before trotting to catch up. There was plenty of open space and small idyllic natural gardens along the hewn paths and it was all very [bright]. Swirling eddies of emotion and ideation, currents of color and glowing text. The glowing script carved into a large stone tingled against her fingertips as her hands glided across its surface idly. As she walked through the gardens, the plants leaned subtly towards her as though they were seeking the sun. ID entered the café behind them without ordering, only holding up a hand and giving a subtle head shake. The effectiveness of the barrier wasn't anything to scoff at: even low Hazard Apexes were basically walking natural disasters. Seeing one ripped to shreds by the enchanted brambles was definitely something to take note of. She slid into a seat not quite directly across from them, unbuckling the sheathed weapon at her hip and placing it on the table in front of her so it didn't get tangled up in the chair. Just as the sound of the sheathe hitting the slab of marble died down Zolya was the first to break the silence. [color=#018c3b][b]"Let's start with what brought you here. After all it's not a regular occurrence for a living rumor to wander into this place, leaving such a precious stone in the hands of my pets. What do you need from us?"[/b][/color] Raudd, sitting next to his sister gave her a little jab before muttering. [color=#0050ff][b]"Softer language sis, want not need."[/b][/color] Zolya flustered for a moment before she went for the straw in her drink and took a big sip. [color=#0050ff][b]"Please excuse her, she's not that used to negotiations. But if you'd wish to tell us what kind of assistance you were looking for here, that way we can resolve the big-ticket items first."[/b][/color] [b][color=#d9145f]"Appreciated, but unnecessary,"[/color][/b] replied ID, nodding her head towards Raudd. She turned her chair a little so she could cross her legs under the table. [b][color=#d9145f]"A disturbance that occurred this morning drew me to the area. I came to investigate what caused it and the trail led me in this direction,"[/color][/b] she explained. No real point in lying: it wasn't her strong suit anyway. [color=#0050ff][b]"A disturbance from this morning you say? I'm assuming it's something of a magical nature? But if you could be a bit more specific that would be very helpful, today has been anything but uneventful so far."[/b][/color] Raudd asked going through the day’s events in his mind taking another sip from the coffee. The things that came to mind didn't seem like they would attract the attention from someone who lived a low-profile life, at least not enough to step out of the shadows. Maybe something else had happened in the period of time they had been out of the area. She tilted her head back and forth as though she were considering just how much to reveal to them. At the very least, she was definitely policing her words. [b][color=#d9145f]"I'm... very sensitive to anything that disturbs the natural manascape,"[/color][/b] she admitted after a while. [b][color=#d9145f]"Something hazed an area southwest of here, and the intensity of the emotional factor was storm-like. Disturbances like that typically lead to interesting people or artifacts, particularly crystals and...,"[/color][/b] she rolled her eyes a bit, fully aware of the stereotypes associated with her draconic theme. [b][color=#d9145f]"I like shiny things,"[/color][/b] she concluded, a bit sheepishly. [color=#018c3b][b]"Oh! Oh... I hope the surroundings haven't been too overwhelming. But if that trail of haze led to here, unless it's been very recent, I doubt there'll be a trace left within this area. My pets could find the continuation of that trail for you, or if that person is still within the Stoneworks lead you right to them, however their view of the immaterial is limited to the Stoneworks area."[/b][/color] She replied as a specific person came to mind to both her and her brother. ID made a dismissive gesture. Having had his face buried drinking down his coffee while his sister took the word Raudd took to prodding for information hoping with wouldn't lead where he thought it would. [color=#0050ff][b]"Anything specific about the area that got hazed? A crack in the ground, burn marks, liquid splashes or something that could identify the caster?"[/b][/color] [color=#018c3b][b]"What? you're not gonna tell her about your collection of precious stones?"[/b][/color] Zolya blurted out to her brother. [color=#0050ff][b]"[i]Sigh[/i] They are semi-precious stones, also most of those are uncut and unpolished, so there's only a few that have a shine to them."[/b][/color] Raudd retorted to his sister as she went in for another sip with a cheeky smile on her face. ID suppressed a chuckle, but the corners of her mouth did twist into a smile at Zolya's ribbing. It was... disconcertingly disarming, given the scope of what ID estimated her abilities to be. She did rummage around in one of her pouches for a while before producing a strangely shaped rock which had been sheared to a near polished finish on one side. She slid it across the table towards them. [b][color=#d9145f]"Unfortunately my trace sample was lost in the most recent disturbance, but I did find this at the edge of a long scar in the earth. The area was also saturated with salt water. It looked like a... not insignificant confrontation took place,"[/color][/b] she explained in a neutral tone, now watching both the siblings and their reactions very carefully.