[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjk2Ljg4MTk4MS5RV3hpWlhKMC4x/scriptina.regular.webp[/img][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjEyOC5mZmZmZmYuTHcuMQ/smith-cyclops.regular.webp[/img][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLmZmZmZmZi5VMmx1SUc5bUlGTnNiM1JvLjA/at-allowe.regular.webp[/img] Interaction: [/center] Albert’s eyes narrowed at the mention of The Detective’s power waning. He had been curious about the detective since the first day they met. They must be immensely powerful if they are capable of maintaining a barrier as complex as this one. That begs the question as to what The Detective was. They may look human, but that meant little for someone attending this meeting. He also wondered why the outcast chose this city specifically. Anyone with power would be able to notice the control the Detective has over this city. One would not be able to go unnoticed with him around. At least right now, The Detective seem to be on the side of good. Having him as an asset would be of great help if not for his deteriorating abilities. Keeping him safe should be their top priority because it is obvious the outcasts are targeting him specifically. [color=92278f]“Well my invitation extends to you as well Detective if you require a safe place to rest,”[/color] said Albert. He didn’t know what he meant by sleep, it could be the literate sense, but it could also be a number of things. [color=92278f]“Now please excuse my skepticism, but are we sure that these missing people are dead? Maybe instead of harvesting their souls, they are keeping their victims alive for other nefarious means,”[/color] Albert noted, [color=92278f]“living sacrifices, bait, or even as an insurance policy.” [/color] He saw everyone around the table reacted to the files. The lot of them seem to be angered by the treatment of the victims. They are all aligned to good and having living shields would be immensely effective against this group. [color=92278f]“Once again, excuse my skepticism, old habits die hard when you are old,”[/color] Albert gave a small chuckle. Age is an irreverent metric to everyone here but he can sense that he might be the oldest one present. [color=92278f]“I would like to know what everyone expects to gain from this. I understand if you are doing it out of the goodness of your heart. That is my reason for doing so, but I assume not everyone here is like me. So what does everyone think they will gain because there is a lot to lose…”[/color]